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i woke up in Rafe's bed.

his side was empty, and he didn't appear to be anywhere in the house.

in fact, there was nobody there.

i figured Ward and Rose would be at work looking at some house or plot of land.

Wheezie would most likely be with Hector.

i made myself a breakfast of egg and avocado on toast and ate it alone at the kitchen island.

i went back up to Rafe's room and had a shower, wincing as the hot water hit my cut legs, and washing the twigs and leaves out of my hair.

i dressed in a white play-suit and white trainers.

i pulled my hair into a ponytail, leaving the front strands loose, and did my makeup natural.

my keys were nowhere to be seen, so i took Sarah's Volvo, knowing she wouldn't be needing it any time soon.

i didn't know where i was going.

i drove to my house, but again, nobody was home.

i drove to the beach and the golf club and even dared Barry's, but the whole island was deserted.

i smacked my head and pinched myself, but i was wide awake.

"fuck," i breathed, starting the engine again and heading to one last place.

Kiara and JJ were bumping down the dirt track from John B's in a black 4x4.

Kie stopped the car when she saw me.

"Juno," she said distastefully, rolling down the window.

"Kiara, JJ. where is everyone?"

they shrugged.

"we haven't seen anyone." JJ didn't look at me as he said it.

"oh. i was just looking for Rafe... i've been all over the place and there's no sign of him. or anyone, actually."

"oh, right." Kie shaded her eyes from the hot sun. "well... we've sorta got somewhere to be so..."

"uh, yeah. i'll drive around for a bit longer." i started the engine again.

"ok," Kiara started her engine too.

"thanks for the blunts, by the way, they were great." JJ said suddenly. "that was good of you."

i smiled a little. "it's no problem. glad you enjoyed them."

i checked to the country club, beach, Tanny Hill, Barry's, and my place once again for signs of Rafe—or anyone, for that matter.

when it reached 12pm and i hadn't seen anyone except Kiara and JJ, i began to get worried.

i sat in the floor of my kitchen, drinking a large glass of wine and smacking my head gently on the edge of the counter, trying to think.

what if he'd found out what Top did and went after him?

... no, he wouldn't do that to him, or me.

what if he'd found John B and Sarah and gone after them?

... once again, no—Sarah was his sister.

what if... what if...?

i threw the empty glass across the kitchen in a sudden fit of rage and confusion, watching in slow motion as it flew through the air, shattering against the marble worktop and staining the floor blood red.

"fuck," i sighed, not bothering to pick it up.

i went into the garage to get my bike—it would be better for looking cross country, and i'd feel bad if i damaged Sarah's car.

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