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i always dreamed of ending up with Rafe Cameron.

we'd known each other for almost ten years, our parents were close—we were closer.

he was my first kiss, first date, the boy i slept with first.

it made sense really, junior King and Queen Kook.

we are all to similar, i'm cruel, he's crueler.

i'm strong, he's stronger.

i'll admit, we could be a whole lot kinder, but we both decided that there's no fun in that.

my name is Juno Dione Wills, daughter of Tomaz and Dione, older sister to Hector.

i love spending time at spas, country clubs, designer stores, and parties.

i was born in my Mother's homeland, Monaco and raised in my Father's—Figure Eight.

my family and the Camerons go on lavish holidays every summer and winter.


"wakey wakey, Rafe." i whispered in the boy's ear.

his eyes opened slowly and he squinted up at me.

"you just had to be the first face i saw today, didn't you." his voice was croaky.

"stop complaining, you love it." i rolled my eyes.

"too right i do."

he got up, wearing only in his Kleins.

"hurry up and get dressed, we're meeting Topper and Kelce at the country club." i told him, going to his dresser and picking an outfit for him.

"i'm not a child, Juno, I can pick my own clothes." he scoffed.

i ignored him.

"hey, how come you're dressed already?" he frowned.

"it's almost 12, Rafe."

i'd woken up at nine, picking out a pale blue top and white tennis skirt, along with tennis shoes and an albino snake skin bag—real, of course.

i chucked a similarly coloured polo shirt at Rafe, followed by white shorts and loafers.

"i love it when we match." i smirked.

"i know. i'm going for a shower, care to join me?" he padded to his en-suite.

"already had one, and done my hair and makeup."

"just do it again, there's enough of your shit here."

i stuck my tongue out at him, but showered with him all the same.

"you took your damn time." Top yelled across the club.

"we got pre-occupied. in the shower," Rafe raised his eyebrows.

"TMI, bro, way too much." Kelce gagged.

"oh shut up, what are we going to do?"
Rafe asked.

everybody looked at me; my way or no way.

"does my outfit give no hints?!" the boys faces were blank. "tennis." i said slowly.

"aahhhh, problem is, we're not dressed for that." Kelce stated.

we ended up sitting in the garden, eating a late lunch.

"you guys hear about Agatha?" Topper chewed loudly.

"who the fuck is Agatha?" Rafe cut his steak.

"she's a storm, coming in tonight, news says she's gonna be a bad one."

"she'll be like all the other so called 'bad ones' a spot of rain, a few shacks blown apart in the cut, nothing major." Kelce snorted.

"nothing major?" i said to Rafe.

it was 2am, we were laying in my bed, listening to Agatha howl and wail outside.

footsteps sounded along the corridor, followed by a knock at my door.

"Ju, can i come in?" Dad called.

"yep!" i replied, shoving Rafe's polo over my head.

"oh, hey Rafe." Dad waved.

both of my parents, plus Ward and Rose were aware of our relationship, and were all for it.

both of us came with immense wealth and connections.

"hey, Mr Wills."

"you two alright?"

"yeah," was all i could say.

i'd say i was just as comfortable talking to my dad with no underwear on as Rafe was.

"make sure you don't stay up much later. and stay safe." he looked pointedly at Rafe.

we all knew he wasn't talking about the hurricane.

"we will, sir."

i woke up to find Rafe gone, but a note in his place.

don't get up, i'll be back soon x

i frowned, but went back to sleep.

some time later, i was startled awake by a wet sensation in my ear.

Rafe's tongue.

i twisted my head and he licked my lips.

"contrary to belief, it's not the nicest thing to be licked awake, Rafe Cameron."

"forgive me?" he held up a bag that smelled wonderful.

"for me?" i grinned.

in answer, Rafe opened the bag, pulled out a croissant, ripped a bit off and placed it in my mouth.

i chewed happily.

"so, what are we gonna do today?" he asked.

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