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we'd arrived at the beach house yesterday.

it wasn't our first holiday with the Wills, but the first time i thought i had a bit of a thing for Juno.

she was beautiful, intoxicating... perfect.

her long hair falling perfectly down her tanned back, her eyes bright, lips full.

she was just like me, cruel and spiteful and malicious on the outside.

kind and caring and funny on the inside.

plus drop dead gorgeous.

how had i not realised it before?

"hey," she wandered over. "catching flies?"

i shut my mouth quickly.

i scanned her body, she wore a pale blue bikini with a white sarong slung low over her hips.

i met her eyes, her brows were raised.

"you done yet?"

"almost," i scanned her up and down again. "now i'm done."

she rolled her pretty eyes.

"we're going to the West Beach. you coming?"

"who's we?" i asked, sensing who.

"Sarah, Wheezie, Hector and me. and you, maybe."

"how about you and me go to the East Beach. leave the others on West."

"how about i go to West and you can come if you like."

"isn't that was i just said?"

"no, it's on my terms this way."


she glanced over her shoulder, shrugged, then walked East.

i stood and found myself following behind her, enjoying the view.

"don't think i don't know what your doing, Rafe Cameron," she called.

"don't think i don't know you don't mind, Juno Wills." i watched her ass.

she whipped round suddenly, startling me.

"carry me. i'm tired." she ordered.

"we're literally going down hill."

"i don't like repeating myself."

i sighed and picked her up.

she wrapped her arms around my neck and i held under her legs and round her waist.

she kicked her legs happily.

"you're not as light as you think, you know." i huffed.

"work out more."

"shut up,"

"i know you have a crush on me," she said.

"no i don't," i said quickly.

"don't lie, Rafe."

"i don't!"

"you do."

"says who?"

"says your little diary," she grinned.

"you were in my room?"

"you were in mine, watching me sleep. quite creepy, actually."

"how the fuck do you know?" i was tempted to drop her.

"i'm a light sleeper. the door creaked when you came in and out."

we'd reached the beach.

"so," i said.


"so you don't seem... horrified."

"maybe you should find my diary."

i set her down and she walked to the water.

"where is it?" i followed her.

"can't say."

she was... something.

"well, what does it say?"

"Juno has a little thing for... let's see. is it Sarah?"

i looked at her.

"oh, how about Kelce? or Topper?"

"how about Rafe?"

"yeah, how about Rafe." she gazed over the horizon. "how about Rafe." she said almost to herself.

she turned to me, a light smirk on her face.

she took my face in her hands and kissed me softly.

when she pulled away, she was still smiling.

she took off her blue sarong, throwing it on the sand, then waded out, diving under the clear water.

i watched her body as she resurfaced, slicking her hair back as she rose.

"why don't you be my girlfriend." i called out.

"no," she replied, diving down, staying under for almost a minute.

"i usually get what i want, you know." i watched her float on her back.

"so do i," she said lazily.

"don't you want to date me?"

"i've wanted to date you since i was like, eleven. but you can't just yell demands across the ocean!"

"what do i have to do, then?!"

"bring me some diamonds and i'll consider!"

a month and half later, we were travelling back to Figure Eight on her father's jet.

we'd kissed a few times, sneaking off to the west beach and trying to avoid the others.

her lips were intoxicating, even more so than the lines we sniffed off of each other's bodies one night.

feeling confident—and a little horny—i tried to go to her room one night, but she told me if i took one step closer to her she'd scream.

Juno was... complicated.

some days she'd be all over me, others she wouldn't even look at me, but i found myself running back to her every time.

i wanted her—i needed her—badly.

the day we got back to Figure Eight, i'd driven to a jeweller's store and bought purple sapphire earrings, with matching necklace and bracelet.

the next day, i was knocking at the Wills' door.

Tomasz answered.

"she's in her room," he sighed, letting me in.

our mothers had been the first to realise something was going on between us that summer and wasted no time in telling our fathers.

i bounded up the stairs and knocked on Juno's door.

"who is it?"


"come in."

i opened the door.

she was stood expectantly in her pink lacy underwear.


"so?" she asked, walking to her closet.

"so, i have some diamonds."

"let me see!" she gasped and clapped her hands, skipping over like a child on christmas.

i held the box over.

she opened it and beamed.

"shit, Rafe, you could've settled with the earrings!" she laughed.

"well, will you be my girlfriend, Juno Wills?"

"yes i will, Rafe Cameron. you should've asked sooner." she crossed to her mirror and put her new jewels on. "you have no idea what you're in for."

do you guys want a spin-off of when Rafe and Juno met? a more in depth Summer 16? xxx

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