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"we couldn't find the gun," Rafe said dejectedly.

"hey, that's ok. it's ok, at least you tried." Ward patted his back.

"the pogues were in the storm drain," i told him.


"yeah. they know," i sat on the edge of the desk.

Ward sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"we took care of them though, Dad. well—the girl at least."

"good... good." Ward nodded.

"are you mad?" Rafe asked.

"mad? no, Rafe, i'm not mad at all. you did good—both of you."

we both smiled.

"hey—i've been thinking. you two deserve a treat. i'm flying out to the Bahamas tomorrow afternoon, and i'm wondering if you'd like to join me?"

i looked at Rafe. "yeah, that'd be cool." i grinned.

"very cool."


"we're not going shopping, Juno!" Rafe yelled.

"we are! we're going to the Bahamas tomorrow! what do you expect me to do? re-use an outfit?!"


i laughed. "i'm not a savage. once an outfit is worn, it can never be seen again!"

"well you can go alone then!"


"this is nice!" i held a light blue and white stripy shirt up against Rafe's chest.

he rolled his eyes and huffed.

"i'll put it in the basket for you. that dress i got is a good match for it. oh, you'll need a hat." i picked up a black cap and put it in my basket too.

Rafe was weighed down by all of my other purchases: shirts, shorts, shoes, beach wear, night wear, underwear... you name it, i bought it.

we were now walking through all the men's sections.

i picked out everything i liked the look of, not bothering to look at the price.

it wasn't my card anyway.

"that's enough now!" Rafe told me, eyeing the two full baskets dangling from my arms.

"but we haven't even got shoes yet!"

"i'll live without them," he sighed, taking the baskets off me and heading for the tills.

the woman smiled at Rafe in a knowing way.

he didn't return the gesture, instead he put the other bags down and took out his wallet as she quickly scanned the tags.

"that'll be seven-hundred and forty-two dollars, and ninety-two cents please, sir. would you like to join our members club and get ten percent off today?" she asked.

"no." Rafe scanned his AmEx gold.

"would you like to donate the last eight cents to our Feed the Children Campaign?" she quickly folded and bagged the clothes.

Rafe ignored her, handing me the bags and picking the others off the floor.

"have a good day, sir!"

"suck a fucking dick." Rafe muttered under his breath, in the same bright voice.

i made no effort to hide my laugh.

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