The Rain and All It Brings

Start from the beginning

So much to do, and I'm wasting my time on social media. He still wasn't very good at typing, so it took a moment before he finally tapped in the correct information. Eventually, it worked, and a smiling photo of Willow's face popped up at the top of his feed. He smiled, happy to see her looking so joyful.

In the background of the photo was a building held together with the help of thick green vines, covered in flowers and leaves. The caption of the photo read "Helping the people of Bonesborough, one vine at a time!"

Hunter traced the large scar spanning across his face absentmindedly. Willow was out and busy helping people, while apparently he was busily dissociating for like 12 straight hours over some stupid incident at the castle.

Even the mighty have to fall at some point... I used to be so great, one of Belos's strongest men, and now look at me. Can't even handle a dead body. He vividly remembered the piercing eyes of the teenager half-trapped beneath the rubble. Sweat beaded on his palms.

Darius stood in front of him, hand on hip. "You teenagers and your scrolls," He was saying, sarcasm and sass lathering his tone. Hunter flinched at his caretaker's sudden appearance. When had he come in?

Darius noticed him flinch yet again. There was no way that the boy hadn't noticed him come in. The Coven Head had even knocked before coming in, and had vocally announced his presence.

"What's up?" Hunter's voice dragged him out of his own thoughts.

"Ah, lunch is ready. It's just reheated mushroom stew." Darius answered.

Hunter nodded in response, humming vacantly. He tossed his scroll to the side, and it plopped onto the empty mattress. The boy brushed past Darius as he exited the room, and padded down the wooden stairs into the kitchen. Darius turned to follow him.

Lunch sat innocently in ceramic bowls on the table. Hunter plopped down in a chair, and waited for Darius to join him. After the adult took his first bite, Hunter followed suit. They ate in silence. The stew was still just as good as it was the last time they ate it, but it felt like gravel in Hunter's mouth.


The storm stopped in the early evening, just as the sun was beginning to sink into the ocean. As the last drops of boiling water finished their descent, Darius summoned the abomination shield that cradled the house to slink back inside and between the floorboards. Just as it appeared this morning, gathering into a large creature, it dispersed itself into every available crevice. Hunter was still equally amazed at how well it could hide itself. Darius had created quite the impressive security system.

As the storm moved further out into the ocean and away from the Isles, Hunter's scars began to hurt a little less. The absence of pain left him feeling tired and worn. His room was only still half put together, but it would have to do for the evening until Hunter had more energy to continue his endeavors in the morning.

Once dinner was finished and the washing completed, the teenager slunk quietly back to his room. He texted Willow and Gus over Penstagram, talking to them about anything and everything. Their presence, though virtual, filled Hunter's heart with joy. He was happier when he had friends to talk to. He was happier when he could act like a normal teenager.

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