Part 5

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It's been a week, and the only thing I have eaten was a little applesauce. No one has questioned my eating habits, only Brendon has, he only tells mom that I shouldn't eat. I even hear Mkayla laugh at some of the jokes. Do they hate me that much? I try and try to be a good sister, but am I not trying hard enough?

I went Into the bathroom and stepped on the scale. 142.4 pounds. I've only lost 3 pounds. Only three.

It was the middle of the night when I got up to go to the bathroom. I saw the computer in the living room. I quick went to the bathroom and then went to the computer. I went on a private tab and looked up how to loose weight fast. I clicked on one website, and it said to exercise for a while and drink plenty of water if you're not eating food. Well duh, I've been drinking water.

I saw that if you do eat, have very little calories. I'll have to start counting calories if I decide to eat. I'll have to eat sometime soon so I don't die of course. I'll just make sure it has little calories of course. Soon, I thought. Soon I'll make my family proud of me. Soon I'll be thin. Soon, I'll be perfect.

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