Part 4

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As I was walking to my room I heard voiced.

"Mkayla, are you embarrassed of your sister? I mean come on! Do you see how she dresses?!" I figured it was Bryn, Mkaylas best friend.

"Yes! Like oh my god. Her outfits are gross! It's like she shops at a thrift store, in the old lady section!" I heard the two girls giggle. I felt a tear going down my face. How could someone say that about their own sister?

I walked inside the room and the two girls turned around and saw me. I threw my book bag onto my bed while they left to go to the mall or something.After they left, I went inside the bathroom and stepped onto the scale. I read the number and was disgusted. 145.6 pounds. I got off, and went back into my room. I stayed in there until my mom called me for dinner.

"Anna, time for dinner!" she called. My mom is like the best cook in the world, and she's kind of overweight too, but she's my mom so I love her anyway.

"Not hungry mom!" I yelled.

"You didn't have breakfast either! Are you sure Anna?" she asked. I was about to answer but Brendon answered before me.

"Mom! Let the cow skip a meal! She doesn't need it! She has enough fat to last her for months!" he screamed. I froze. Am I really a cow? He's right about me skipping a meal. A ton, actually. I cried into my pillow. It hurt the most because my mom or my dad didn't say anything to defend me.

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