Part 1

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I never used to be this way. Well, actually I have. But I never used to do this. I've always know that I was overweight. If you compare me to my older sister, I'm heavier. She couldn't pick me up when I was younger, but I could. No one would ever say it to my face though. I'm sure they were thinking it, but never said it.

I've always have been close with my older sister, Mkayla. That's what I thought, but the feeling was never mutual. She's never really liked me, but I adored her. She's kind of controlling though. Whenever I like a song she hates, she makes me feel like I'm a loser because I like it. I usually make up an excuse saying like that the song was stuck in my head.

You're probably wondering why I would adore her. She's beautiful. Thin. Smart. Everything I'm not. I'm overweight, I have glasses, and I have ratty brown hair. Unlike her. She has the brightest green eyes, 20/20 vision, and the prettiest red brown hair anyone could ask for. I have green eyes, just not as bright and sparkling as hers.

You could tell that my parents favor her. They're always comparing me to her.

"Why can't you be more like your sister, Anna?" my mother would always ask. My dad would always drop hints.

"Are you really going to eat that much?" " It's a perfect day to go on a walk today." it stung like a bit•h most of the time. I look in the magazines, and what do I see? Beautiful skinny models. I know they airbrush them, but seriously? Look how thin they are?

I was listening to music when all of a sudden Mkayla came into our room.

"Haven't I told you that music is crappy? You should really change your style a bit more, Anna. I mean, really, a sweatshirt and baggy worn out jeans? How do you expect a guy to like you if you wear that?" she smirked and bobbed her head. I absolutely hate when she does that.I nodded my head and got up.

She started looking through her clothes. Oh how much I wish I could fit into her size. Shes a size 0-1, while I'm a size 6. I just wanted to cry right then and there.

"Where are you going tonight?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and didn't answer me. She never really does answer me. She hates me, just because I stole her "moment" when she was a child. We're only 14 months apart.

She walked out of the room with her size 1 white pair of shorts, and a blue sweater with white stars. she grabbed a pair of grey converse, and went to the bathroom to get changed.

She came out and stood in front of my bed.

"So? I personally think these shorts are too big. Do you think so?" she doesn't know that she's killing me in the inside. I just shook my head no to get things over with.She walked off and went outside to the front where I saw a black car she went inside. She's going off to a party while I'm stuck here reading a book, and listening to music. Great way to spend a Friday night.

A/N this is probably really short and I'm planning on making this like a short story kind of. I want to do a series if this gets kind of well liked. Please comment and vote! Ill love you forever. Byeeeeeee xoxo mwah!

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