Chapter 3 Troubles ahead

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Author's note: when the characters are speaking in another language than English this will be the font(Hello) so it wouldn't be too confusing

Chapter 3
Troubles ahead
Unlikely Costumer

Jack's P.O.V

Not having a lot of costumers in a shop in a secluded and full of generally unlikable people who may be a hazard to your health is to expected

But it does allow you meet unique individuals and each with vastly different perspectives in life, some of them would have made me rethink of my own a bit if not for the fact most of them are probably seasoned killers

It was scary at first and it became tame after while and after a bit more time it became interesting

Even better since I could observe them from a relatively safe spot as the shop is basically a safe haven and some of these folks even leave their children while they are on some *ahem*...... Business from time to time

Speaking of interesting individuals

A well dressed uptight man with blond hair in a black suit completed with 2 gold monocle and even a top hat

The man might as well just buy a normal pair of glasses for Christ's sake!


Not even noticing his arrival as I was thinking of his audacity to wear 2 monocles instead of one

"Sorry, just something on my head, So what you here for"

"Can you perhaps call B, and as if an miserable cretin like you make business with me, preposterous!"

"Buddy I can understand you so stop being so rude"

It is always nice to see people get shock after assuming I don't speak their language, pressing one of 3 button with a microphone on the table resulting in a buzzing noise

"Boss, there's a guy who wants to talk to you, fancy suit, top hat and with 2 monocles"

Another buzzing sound and the voice of big B came out and said

"Frenchie? I will be down there in a bit"

"Sure thing boss, so dude anything you want? We have a large array of items"


"How about some beer, looks like you can use some"

"No and can you stop talking, as if I'd drink a beer, a man like me only drinks something with class"

"Sheesh, a bit uptight but if you don't mind me asking why 2 monocles?"

the well dressed man this time sighed in frustration as he spoke in his mother tongue

"I do mind and if you must ask it is be-"

As he was prepared to answer the question, Sadly, The big furry boss man arrived

Maybe I can ask him again sometime later

"Sorry, I was busy"

"No worry boss"

"You learned french B"

The well dressed man look in shock as he did not assume Big B learned his beloved language

"I do not understand you Frenchie"

"Then how did you understand this employee of yours when he spoke french"

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