Chapter 15

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"shit! we have to head back," you said urgently, looking around at the once occupied area. "they're after haypasia!"

aether and dehya nodded, the four of you quickly making your way back to pardis dyhai.

"so much for running all the way here," paimon sighed while flying next to the traveler.

"paimon, you don't even run," aether said between breaths. "you can't say anything."

"h-hey!! it's hard work flying!"

"can you two quit it," dehya snapped. "we have time to argue later."

while the four of you hustled, tighnari was met with a hoarde of fatui soldiers standing in front of the entrance to pardis dhyai.

"can i help you all?"

"we're here to collect herbs for our research."

tighnari scoffed, "pardis dhyai is not a place for you fatui can just show up and do as you please."

"i believe we've already made ourselves quite clear. our superior gave us permission to search for and collect medicinal herbs in pardis dhyai for research purposes."

"but you've been in sumeru for some time already. i find it coincidental that you chose to only come here today," tighnari said, his tone questioning and blunt.

"even the grand sage himself may not have the right to question our reseatch, much less an ordinary scholar like yourself. i've done my duty to inform you. don't make things difficult for yourself."

tighnari felt his eye twitch, ordinary scholar? who does this lowly fatui soldier think he is? he has the audacity to insult me then try and push me out of the way? what's their motive?

"it would seem that my words have fallen on deaf ears," tighnari said. "you can keep trying to deny it, but coming to pardis dhyai now? i'm pretty sure you're not looking for herbs."

"with all due respect, your baseless speculations will only lead to unnecessary trouble," the sergeant crossed his arms over his chest.

respect? tch, you insult me and call it respect? bitch.

"well you only have your harbinger to blame. he knows nothing about keeping a low profile. i may be staying at pardis dhyai as a scholar, but that doesn't mean i'm no longer a forest watcher."

tighnari pulled his bow out, i need to be ready for a fight. these guys look serious... can i take them down all at once?

"it is still my duty to protect the peace and safety of the scholars who have contributed so much to sumeru."

ah i get it now, they're after haypasia.

"then it seems our conversation has hit an impass."

"no one will lay a hand on you haypasia... not on my watch."


tighnari's eyes flickered over, relief evident in his short glance when he heard and saw you.

"tighnari! are you alright," paimon screeched from her hiding spot.

"i'm fine," tighnari said confidently. as much as i know my conbat abilities would prevail, it's nice having backup.

"those fatui have really crossed the line. time to teach them a lesson," dehya yelled, taking out two of them.

"i got this, everyone fall back," you yelled, stepping into the middle.

"do it Y/N," dehya said, getting her ultimate ready. "i'll assist you."

you nodded briefly before holding your sword up, just as ayato had instructed you to do.

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