Chapter 10

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you couldn't sleep.

the most you were able to get some shut-eye was for 30 minutes straight, then you'd wake up again and the cycle would repeat. at around 7 you decided to just get up and be productive, trying to piece yourself together.

you sat up and were met with a concerned voice.


you looked over, seeing aether fully clothed and his hair done neatly. i forgot we were rooming for the night. the mattress he slept on was put away neatly underneath your bed. his eyes widened when he took in your clearly disheveled state - eyes puffy and slightly red, hair completely messy from the lack of sleep, and to top it off you had tear stains on your cheeks.

"are you okay?? did something happen," he asked you, walking over and putting a hand on top of your head. "nightmares maybe?"

you couldn't help but begin to cry again from his warm touch, wrapping your arms around his torso to which he flinched but wordlessly hugged you back sweetly. he let you cry for another 10 minutes until your tears began to stop.

"Y/N?" his voice was cautious. "do you... maybe want to talk about it?"

and so began a very straightforward yet sad rant about your unrequited feelings for tighnari. the traveler didn't judge you or call you an idiot, he just nodded and let you vent while offering input when asked.

"i... i just don't know what he even meant or if i'm over reacting but, my feelings are such a pain in the ass."

"i understand you," he comforted you. "i'm so sorry Y/N. do you want to go hang out with me today? take your mind off of things."

"i'd appreciate that a lot," you sniffled.

"and it's better than you being like this in bed all day. getting out and about while resuming your normal routine will do you plenty of good," he chirped. "go get ready, i'll see you outside in maybe 30 minutes? it'll give me enough time to make you breakfast."

you nodded, "sure, thanks."

he left you alone and walked outside, allowing you to change and sort out your situation.

aether pov

i closed the door to leave Y/N so they could get ready. hopefully this can cheer them up... now where should i take them today?

"traveler! traveler!"

i look over and see paimon flying in at full speed, making me step aside so she doesn't hit me. "paimon?"

"traveler!!! hello! how was your sleepover with Y/N?"

"it was nice," i said. "i'm taking them out for the day."

"wait... you mean on a hangout?"

"yep," i affirmed with a nod. "they seem to have had a rough night yesterday, so i wanted to cheer them up."

"that's so sweet of you! i hope Y/N feels better. but uhm traveler... we have that meeting with al haitham today."

"wait we do?!"

"yeah," paimon said. "how could you forget?"

damn it! i should have checked if i had anything to do today. shit. hmm... wait hold on.

"paimon. do you think al haitham would mind if i brought Y/N with us?"

"what?! of course he would mind," paimon shook her head. "he's all strict and stuff, paimon would love to bring Y/N with us, but paimon isn't sure that stupid scholar would let us."

"well... why don't we just take Y/N and see what he says? the worst he could say is no. also they're friends with cyno and his spouse, so what's the issue?"

"hmm... maybe... paimon can fly ahead and ask after breakfast!"

"alright," i replied. "i'm gonna go make food now. if Y/N comes out, direct them to me if you can."


i left paimon to her own devices and decided to make Y/N's favorite food from sumeru. wandering around and talking to many people helped me pick up the cuisine and many recipes, so i made their favorite dish a lot faster than expected. i left the stove on low flame to keep the food warm while i waited for Y/N, and they came out after another 2 minutes.


i looked over and saw them walking over to me, dressed casually as if it was another day. if i hadn't known about what happened last night, i wouldn't have assumed anything was wrong at all.

"Y/N! good morning," i chirped. "you look well."

"thanks," they replied with a soft smile. "what did you have planned today?"

"well unfortunately i actually have a meeting with al haitham, if you know who he is."

"oh! he was a classmate of mine," they said. "i haven't seen him in a while, even at the wedding."

"then i guess he'll be okay with me bringing you along," i said. "but i do want to warn you, it's a very secretive affair. please don't discuss this with anyone."

they nodded, "i understand. not a single peep from me."

"perfect," i said with a smile while taking the food out and plating it. "well, breakfast is served. paimon will be here in a moment."

the three of us ate breakfast quickly, and i noticed that Y/N wasn't as talkative as usual. it didn't really matter though, paimon was chatting up a storm anyways. she ended up taking off a little earlier, that way she could get to aaru village first.

it was then i noticed tighnari walking around, and he spotted Y/N eating with me. all of a sudden i had a subtle, evil plan.

as much as i know that tighnari "regretted that kiss", i'll just gently push the ship so it sails. he wouldn't kiss Y/N for no reason, which makes me suspicious of his motives.

welp, if this backfires - which i hope it won't - i'll deal with it later.

regular pov

"Y/N, are you done eating?"

"yeah, ready to go?"

"yep, i'm ready!"

both of you stood up, grabbing your plates and walking away to find a place to store them. you grinned at your blonde haired friend and walked next to him after grabbing your bag from the chair which was packed with essentials.

your mind was still wrapping itself around the events that transpired, and you couldn't help but have a sad feeling in your chest as much as you took care to look like you were alright.

then, aether unexpectedly wrapped his hand around your waist. you gave him a confused look and he looked at you in return, "you looked like you could use a hug."

"ah... thanks," you replied, still a little perplexed. "but i'm a little confused."

he leaned over to you, placing his lips by your ear making you shudder, "it'll all make sense later."


he didn't answer you again, removing his arm from your waist and moving away from you completely. you playfully slapped him on the shoulder, "what was that?!"

"as i said, it'll all make sense later."

you shook your head while chuckling, "alright, i'll take your word for it, ya weirdo."

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