Nicole Learns to Tie Her Shoes

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      "I think I'll wear these today," says Nicole as she grabbed a pair of sneakers from her closet. Nicole sat down on her bedroom floor and placed each shoe on each foot. While putting her shoes on, Nicole tried her very best to tie her shoes. While trying to tie her shoes, Nicole sang the special shoe string song she learned from her grandpa Walter, but she still could not get it. Nicole tried again and again, and then she got tired and decided to wear another pair of shoes, ones without laces.

As Nicole hopped down the stairs, Nicole's grandpa was sitting in his special chair reading the morning newspaper. He looked up and noticed Nicole. "Hey, why aren't you wearing your new sneakers today?" says grandpa Walter. "Um, I don't want to get them dirty," says Nicole with a confused look on her face. The truth was she didn't wear them because the shoes had laces and Nicole hadn't quite mastered tying her shoes. "Well, when you wear your new sneakers, I want to see how great those look on you.," says grandpa Walter. "

      Once Nicole got in the kitchen she decided to make herself a bowl of cereal. She got herself a bowl and spoon then went into the pantry and got her favorite cereal, and then she opened the refrigerator and got the milk, and she made herself a bowl of cereal. As she sat at the kitchen table eating her cereal she thought about her new sneakers. She wanted to wear them, but she hadn't quite mastered the shoe-tying yet.

      After Nicole finished breakfast she put her cereal bowl in the kitchen sink then finished drinking her orange juice. Nicole said to herself, "I am going to learn how to tie my shoes, no matter how long it takes." Nicole walked out of the kitchen, as she passed grandpa Walter she said to him. "Grandpa, I'm going upstairs to my room to teach myself to tie my shoes because I have new shoes and I want to wear them."

Nicole entered her bedroom and headed straight for her closet. She began to pull out every pair of shoes that had laces, Nicole lined them up in a row. Nicole picked up a shoe and began to say, "you loop it, you swoop it and you pull through." She said it again, "You loop it, you swoop it and you pull through." She still wasn't getting it but something inside of Nicole was saying, "Keep going, don't give up."

The more Nicole tried it seemed like the harder it got. She took a break to think about what she could have been doing wrong. Then she got right back at it, Nicole said to herself "I can do it, I can do it." Nicole picked up a shoe and said "You loop it, You swoop it and you pull through." Very slowly and as she tried one last time she got it. But to make sure she had it, she tied another shoe. And did it again. Nicole screamed, "I tied my shoes!"

The End

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