[3L] Injuries (Renchanting)🦋

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!! Mention of bl0od, hol3s and injures !!

Ren and Martyn are green

Also some times are inaccurate (as always)


Ren was at some chests, looking and shuffling through it, to looking for items. His head whipped towards the door as he heard to slam open.

Martyn stumbled through the door, all bloody and overall did not seem okay. He was panting like he had just ran around the whole world.

There were arrows sticking in and out of Martyn's skin, blood dripping from them. Bruises and redness were everywhere as well.

"Dude, what happened?!" Ren exclaimed. He dropped the items he was holding onto the ground as he approached Martyn hastily. "You've got an arrow in your head!"

"I was just wondering around and got swarmed by mobs! They just-" Martyn paused to cough, a bit of blood coming out. He covered his mouth after that

Ren mumbled a "Oh" before stepping backwards.

"-appeared out of nowhere!" Martyn continued. He shook his head and sighed, about to pull out one of the arrows.

"No don't do that!" Ren protested and stopped Martyn, grabbed his hand away. "The blood will go gushing out!"

Ren rushed towards the chests again. He opened one of them up and dug through it.

Martyn walked beside him, muttering "ouch" a couple of times while doing so. He observed Ren curiously.

Ren took out a few blocks of wool, then proceeding to tear it into pieces. He closed the chest.

"What are you doing? Wools valuable," Martyn tilted his head.

"Well- it's worth sacrificing right now. Besides, we already have beds," Ren replied. He made Martyn sit on the chest. "Don't question me."

Ren folded his sleeves up more after placing the wool pieces aside. "Alright, time to clean up the blood," he said as he kneeled down to wipe off the blood dripping down with a piece of wool.

After a while of that, it was time for the next step. "Okay, I've got to take out the arrows, got to cover the holes though," Ren took another piece of wool. He inspected an arrow at Martyn's arm.

The tip of the arrow was near Martyn's elbow.

Ren went to the side to get a better look. He held the wool piece in front of the tip of the arrow. He put another piece of wool next to him for standby

"This might sting," Ren warned.

"Yeah, yeah just do it," Martyn sighed.

"Alright..." Ren pulled out the arrow fully, earning a yelp from Martyn. Ren covered the hole behind with the wool piece. He threw the arrow on the ground before taking the other piece of wool and blocking the hole in front. "Hold it for me for a second." Ren signaled to the wool at the front.

Martyn nodded and held his hand at the wool, taking Ren's place. Ren was still holding the wool at the back.

"Darn your pretty messed up, dude," Ren stated, observing Martyn's other injures. He then mumbled, "God, I wish I had multiple arms."

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