Chapter 38 - Lies and Truths

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Hello, my few followers! Only two chapters left until the end. I have it ALL planned out. I was going to make this chapter and the next one chapter and end it with 38, but the chapter just got too long so I split it up. If you like it, vote, comment and spread the word.


Mrs. Lucas had another think coming about the contract. It wasn't done within the hour, as she predicted. Polly decided that her lawyers weren't very good because it took them almost three hours to finish. Upon leaving the elevator, Mrs. Lucas had directed them to a large room with a couple chairs, tables and a coffee machine in the corner. It would be fine for a short-term stay, but was torture for how long they were there.

"Nathaniel," Polly whined once the clock showed they sat there for over two hours. "I'm bored!"

"If you'd used your brain you wouldn't be in this situation," he retorted and scrolled through something on his phone, his other hand playing with a strand of her hair. He didn't see the glare she shot, but her voice made it obvious.

"Careful, Natey, I can still kill you with this pillow." She held up a throw pillow to prove it, bringing it towards his face to smother him. He chuckled and pulled it from her hands, putting it behind his head before resuming his previous position. She huffed and tucked into his side, looking at his phone. He was looking at stocks, eliciting a groan from her. "You can't do something fun? What type of teenager looks at stocks?"

He sighed and locked his phone, slipping it into his pocket. Then he turned so he was facing her. Before she could react, he crashed his lips to hers. Polly's eyes widened before she closed them blissfully and moved her mouth against his. They finally pulled away after a few minutes, pulling leaning forward to prolong the contact. When she finally opened her eyes, Nathaniel was smirking at her.

"Still bored?" he asked, barely breathless compared to her panting.

"Wow, you're good at that," she commented without thinking. His smirk grew at the same rate as her eyes when she realized what she said. "I didn't mean... That wasn't... You didn't..."

His lips silenced her and they fell back into a seductive rhythm. She allowed herself to get lost in it, simply feeling, until a loud knock interrupted them. Immediately, she shoved him off her and straightened herself out. Her cheeks still adorably flushed, Nathaniel didn't even try to hide his genuinely amused smile. His mirth earned him a slap to the arm, at the same time another knock sounded from the door.

"Come in," Nathaniel called and the door opened. A woman in her early thirties that Nathaniel recognized as Courtney, but Polly didn't recognize, entered the room, a folder tucked under her arm, and Mrs. Lucas following behind. She kept an obviously fake smile painted onto her face.

"I apologize for the slight delay. Mrs. Mendle, this is Courtney Shine, my assistant. Courtney, if you will."

Courtney smiled graciously and went over to Polly. She opened the folder and folded it in half so she could see the papers stapled to the paper. At her assuring smile, Polly hesitantly took it. She slowly read the four pages, asking Nathaniel questions when she didn't understand a section.

"Ok," she finally breathed out against her better judgment. "Do you have a pen?" Immediately, Courtney handed over a pen and Polly signed her name on the two sections on the first page.

"I'll need you to sign here." She signed the requested area. "Here...and there. We'll also need an initial here and a signature there."

The pen flew over the paper so she didn't have the chance to change her mind. Once she'd initialed and signed for the final time, her stomach knotted in deliberation over the correct path, the world on her shoulders lifted and her back straightened. Nathaniel's hand, which had been squeezing her knee tighter with every scrawl of pen, slumped in defeat.

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