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"Nathaniel! I got it!" I screamed at the top of my lungs from the living room.

"Polly," he groaned. "I'm not going to the store to get your more pads."

"Not that it, I got it!" I squealed loudly, my voice echoing off the walls. My fingers ran over the keyboard, adding to the cacophony. "Look, look, look, look, look, look, look!"

Mumbling under his breath about insane girlfriends, he ambled over from the TV where the game was playing to look at what I was freaking out about. "Ok, what is 'it'?"

"I figured out what I'm missing," I announced with a huge smile. "I can't believe I didn't see it before!"

When I didn't enlighten him on what I was missing, he rolled his eyes to the heavens. "Do you want to tell me what that is or do I have to guess?"

My face twisted, my lips pouting and my eyebrows drawing together while my arms crossed at that comment. "Well, if you don't want to know, I don't want to tell you." He gave a shrug before turning around to watch sweaty guys tackle each other over a ball. "Fine, I'll tell you." I grabbed his hand and towed him down beside me.

He landed with a thump before pulling me into his lap, my hands securing my laptop. I settled in between his legs, chest to back, and scrolled up so he could see what I was talking about.

"See right here?" I pointed at a dialogue in my book.


I heaved a sigh. "My characters are tense around each other. It's not... natural."


"It's unbelievable. I'm going to have to go back and fix their interactions so they act better around each other!"

"Good," he commented. "Doesn't that mean your improving because you're realizing what you did wrong?"

"Well... yeah, but it also means I won't be able to update for a little while. I have to figure this out first."

"Great," he announced with a grin. He reached over and took my laptop away, closing it and putting it on the ground. Before I could even protest that action, he'd lifted me up and turned me around so I was facing him. "That means we can have more time together."

"No," I started, but his lips cut me off and I didn't really care after that. The book can wait for a little while. Just this moment, just this bliss, and I'd get back to work. When he deepened it, I decided that I could give in for another moment or maybe five.

If you missed it, I'm breaking for a little while (not long) to work on my pacing and character interaction. I hope you stick with me until I come back!

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