Chapter 27 - Knowledge

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I just really felt like posting today. I hope you guys don't hate the pace of the story, but this is how I want it. Nothing happens fast in real life and I felt like showing that along with the torture everyone's going through, emotionally and physically. If you guys do like my story then please vote, comment, and tell your friends about it. Without further ado,


The nights were always the coldest. It felt like the wind crept in through that tiny window or maybe they had a fan blowing through the cracks of the door just to make it even more uncomfortable. Exactly when the sun hit the bottom of the window, the door would open and they would throw a flimsy blanket in for her. She'd curl up in a ball by the door, but it never managed to stave off the chill.

They obviously wanted her to die from hypothermia.

Polly sat curled up and shivering through her flimsy coverings and staring at the wall across from her. Occasionally she would fall asleep, but it never lasted for more than a few minutes and now was a dangerous time to sleep. She honed her biological clock to perfection and knew they would come in soon to give her the nightly beating. She fell asleep once before they came in and they simply kicked her until she woke up so she could scream properly.

Sadists, all of them.

On cue, the sound of a key in the lock sounded and she stood up, putting the blanket on the dusty ground. She tried cleaning the room only to realize it only threw the dust into the air since it had nowhere to escape to. She didn't bother to acknowledge the people verbally, only staring each of them in the eyes and hoping they could see the anger in her eyes so they could tell her spirit wasn't broken yet, unlike her wrist and ribs.

"He still doesn't care," the woman told her. Today, she wore her hair tied neatly in an elegant hairdo, making her look like an angel, not a woman who would soon command the four men to beat her to unconsciousness. "I guess you're really not important to him at all." With a sigh and roll of her eyes, she strolled out of the room, locking her in with her abusers who were already advancing on her.

The beating continued, coloring her fading and newer bruises with black and blood red paint.

After exactly twenty minutes, the door opened and they filed out, leaving her lying on the ground in a ball. However, the routine changed this time. While crawling back over to her corner to get her blanket, the door opened again and fear overcame her that something worse was going to happen to her. Thankfully, it was only the demon-in-disguise back to taunt her once again as she did every morning, just at night this time.

"Enjoy the show?" Polly managed through her swollen lips. She even gave a gravelly laugh that came out watery with the blood in her mouth. "Do you want your time being an actress in it?"

"I don't really want blood on my outfit," she told her and gestured to her clothes. It looked like her shirt was pure silk and her jewelry cost a fortune. What did this woman do to earn that much money?

"Too bad," she laughed and spat a bloody glob of spit on the hem of her shirt. Immediately, she backhanded her. Polly ran her tongue over her teeth to ensure all of them were secure before turning her face back to her so kind kidnapper.

"And here I was hoping you were finally starting to learn," she hissed into her beaten face. "Your attitude will kill you, you know that? You're lucky I'm letting you live this long out of the kindness of my heart."

Polly smiled weakly at her. "We both know you're only keeping me alive as leverage. You want something from Nathaniel and you think I'm the key to getting it. Don't try to convince me otherwise, ok? I'm not stupid."

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