Chapter 30 - Home Again

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I just realized I hadn't left any comment up here. How could I do that to you guys?! So here we are. Polly just keeps getting beat up does't she? I'm just an evil writer that way, sadistic enough to torture my own characters for kicks and giggles (nope, I don't cuss :P ).


She shook wildly, her fingers grabbing her knees and drawing blood as they clawed at it. She had to get out, but there was no way to. Why, why, why did everything get so messed up? The last four days had been relatively peaceful with only a couple fights amongst her guards, not including the beatings, of course. Now, on the one day she decided to escape, everything had to change. Forget getting locked up again, she would be lucky to get out of this with her life.

A breeze blew through the room and the smoke lifted just enough for her to see what was happening. They were in the front entryway, but something blew the door completely off its hinges. Wooden shards from the door littered the entryway while people stepped on and over them. People were still coming in the building and facing off against her kidnappers.

The new people had thick goggles on that vaguely resembled night vision goggles. They were walking confidently where the others were scrambling around, shooting at anything that moved. In the split second the smoke had lifted, the men and women without goggles had banded together to shoot at the men with goggles.

Then the clearing ended and the invisible chaos began in fever once again. She curled further into the wall, trying to erase her presence as she stared into the fog around her. A goggled figure materialized out of it and she tried to run away from the woman before she got too close. Just when she was starting to limp away, a gloved hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"It's me," the woman told her. "Come with me, the exit's this way." She dragged her away from the front door where the chaos was taking place. They kept running, rather the woman ran while dragging Polly along, until they reached a huge, crumbling hole in the wall. The woman pushed Polly through the gaping hole before jumping out after her. "This way," she instructed, pointing with her gun.

There was a black car idling next to some trees, nearly invisible in the fading light around them. It seemed like it took forever to run the short distance, her body protesting the entire way, before the woman pushed her into the backseat and hurried in after her.

"Drive," she ordered and the car took off.

"Who are you?" Polly demanded once they hit a paved road and sped away from the building.

"One second," the woman told her and pressed something on the ear towards the door. "Two bravo three, target one acquired. I repeat, target one acquired."

"Affirmative..." she heard broken through the ear piece. "Move... two..."

"What's happening?" she asked.

"We're taking you to headquarters," the driver told her. His blue eyes met hers through the rearview mirror. "We'll get you checked out by our doctors – you obviously need it – and then you'll meet Boss."


"The leader of the DDA."


"Domestic Defense Agency," he supplied. "It's what we're a part of; our organization. It's where we're bringing you to."

"Where you're kidnapping me to, you mean?" she smarted off. In the four days she'd been there, she learned that the only way to keep her sanity was to talk back to them and to use her sarcasm as much as possible. She would lose herself if she didn't.

The woman was either completely unconcerned about her words or a wonderful actress by the way she answered. "We kidnapped you from your kidnappers to set you free. I'd say that counteracts it."

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