Chapter 17 ||| close call

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I looked around the empty field, searching for nothing in particular. The sky was clear, and there was nothing but grass around me. No bugs, no flowers. Just grass that seemingly went on for miles.

"APPLEJACK NO." A female voice yelled from behind me. I spun around, and saw my little fucking ponies. Applejack was shoving apples into her mouth, and twilight was trying to stop her. Meanwhile, rainbow dash and pinky were laughing their asses off and fluttershy was just watching. Rarity was helplessly trying to part her mane correctly.

"You there! Tell me, does my hair look alright?" Rarity asked, pointing to me. I felt surprised, but walked over to her, looking at her purple hair.

"Looks great!" I said, smiling at the pony.

"Oh, why thank you.." she trailed off, squinting her eyes at me.

"Kyle!" I replied. She nodded.

"Oh my Kyle! Do you like bunnies?" Fluttershy asked, turning to look at me. 

"Yes! I love bunnies!" I said happily, my face lighting up. She made a very subtle whisper, then dozens of small cottontails came popping out of the ankle-deep grass. I gasped and sat on the ground, hoping they would come over to me.

"Yes yes, you can talk to him. He is friendly.." Fluttershy whispered to the small bunnies, gesturing to me with her yellow hove. They then all hopped over to me, jumping all over me and sniffing me. I laughed as their little paws tickled me, jumping all over me. I closed my eyes, still giggling uncontrollably. 

When I opened them again, I was in a hospital room. I was confused for a moment, and looked around the room. It was dark, and not the same room I was in before. 

Oh right! I was in the hospital.

I looked over at the window lazily, seeing the sun shining through the glass window. For some reason, they didn't have curtains. 

I rolled my head to the other side, seeing a doctor sitting at a desk and typing on a large computer.

"Oh, Kyle! Good morning!" She greeted, smiling widely and walking to the side of my bed. "You were giggling quite a bunch for the past hour. Silly dream?" She asked, looking down at me laying on the bed. I blushed embarrassedly.

"Uh.. Yeah." I replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Okay! It's 7:30 am, so now's about the time we start waking patients up and feeding them." She informed me, handing me a paper that kind of looked like a menu. "That's what we supply here! The other side has drinks." She explained, smiling kindly. I slowly sat up, and smiled at her. 

"Thank you." I thanked her simply. She nodded, then sat back at the desk. She pulled out a phone, pressed a few numbers, and let it ring. Once it picked up, she spoke. "Kyle Broflovski, patient in room 502 is awake." She said simply, then put the phone back on the little phone stand. 

I focused on my menu, and rubbed my eyes. After anesthesia, I have a hard time reading or seeing. 

After a moment or two, I could finally make out words.

'Belgian Waffles + eggs, sausage, or bacon.'

'1-2 pancakes + eggs, sausage, or bacon.'

'French toast + eggs, sausage, or bacon.'

'eggs, bacon, and toast'

Those were my options. I wasn't too hungry, so I went with the last one. I flipped over the menu, scanning through the drink options.

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