Chapter 2 ||| Any Winter Plans?

816 19 83

(TW: F slur, lots of insults, mentions of suicide, a LOT of cussing)

I woke up to Tweek yelling, only to see Craig was standing in front of my desk. What the hell?

"Broflovski." He said plainly, almost as if he was reminding me what my last name was. Dumbass.

"What do you want, Tucker?" I ask tiredly, rubbing my eyes. I was kind of glad that he woke me up, because I had this weird ass dream. It was some extremely ripped black dude spewing some
"OHIO, ONI CHAN!!". Not super fitting for his build, lmao.

"Meet me at Starks pond after school. We need to talk." Craig says, half glaring at me. What was his deal? I gave him a skeptical look before nodding at him, and he walked away. 

I mugged Craig as he walked away, causing Tweek to giggle slightly. Tweek has an unsettling giggle, honestly. It kind of sounds like a dolphin, I don't know.

I sigh and shake my head before the bell rings, signifying that the first period was finally over. 

'Damn, I must've been sleeping for at least an hour'

I grabbed my binder and my book, holding them to my chest before standing up and walking out of the classroom. 

My next period was biology. Utter bullshit, least favorite class, and everyone I know in that ass licking class are assholes.

Maybe except for Tolkien, he's alright.

I'll probably end up sleeping through the entire class, I'm still tired.


I reach my class and take my seat, once again, in the very back. I set my binder and book down as I sat down, facing the front of the class. Somehow, Mr. Garrison is our biology teacher. Despite his actions with Mr. Slave.

Apparently, he tried to get fired for being extremely gay with Mr. Slave so he could sue the school for millions. That was in 4th grade, but it still confuses me. What's the point of that?

"YO! Broflovski!" Tolkien yelled, slamming his fists on my desk. I flinched so hard I almost fell out of my chair.

"did Clyde already tell you about the party?" He continued, smiling brightly at me.

"Yeah, he did. Jesus.." I mumbled the last part, still startled from his sudden appearance. 

"Alright cool, just making sure. Are you going?" Tolkien said excitedly, still smiling widely. 

"Uh.. yeah, for sure dude." I responded, purposely sounding unenthusiastic so he could get the hint that I really didn't want to continue this conversation. I needed more sleep.

"Ayy, that's what I like to hear! See ya there bud!" He said, smacking my shoulder twice playfully before returning to his desk. 

When I say smacking, I mean it. Shit hurts.

I noticed Craig glancing in my direction. Damn, he is the worst person to make eye contact with. His resting bitch face is not very appealing.

I immediately began looking around in my area, trying to see if there was anything that would be interesting for him to look at. Nope, just me over here.

I groaned a bit before slamming my head down on my desk, gaining attention from multiple people. Even better.

I start tapping my foot against the ground restlessly, trying to find something to do that would kill time.

My parents took my phone yesterday because I was screaming at my computer. 


"Damn you're so bad." A random kid said, snickering. Oh hell no.

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