Chapter 14 ||| crazy.

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When I woke up, Stan wasn't there. I felt my mood immediately drop once I remembered the moments of the night before. 

I groaned and sat up, stretching slightly. It was Sunday, and I was so not ready for school tomorrow. I'm probably gonna get an ear full from Tolkien from leaving early. 

I threw the covers off of my legs and slipped out of bed, lazily walking over to my closet. I slid the wooden doors open, revealing my organized closet. The same way I had left it on Friday. 

I looked down at my clothes, realizing that I had slept in Craig's clothes. Not that I minded, just sleeping in someone else's clothes was kinda.. Romantic? Like, coupley kind of stuff. 

I shooed the thought away and began looking through my closet, trying to decide what to wear. I decided on a Maroon sweatshirt and a random pair of tight-fitted black shorts. I wasn't planning on going anywhere today. Toooooooooooo lazy.

I took the blue shirt off and held it in my hands for a moment. It still had a faint smell of Craig. I wasn't weird or anything, but I took a whiff of the shirt, inhaling the scent. My shampoo, Craig, laundry.. Honestly a good combo.

Just then, someone slammed the door open behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw.. 

"Butters?" I asked, turning around completely to face him. He looked frantic, like he was freaking out.

"Kyle! Oh, thank Jesus! Kenny needs your help!" He exclaimed. His blue eyes were wide with horror. Almost as if he was having a panic attack.

"What happened?" I asked calmly, taking a step closer to him. We were about 5 feet apart, and he was literally hyperventilating and trembling in my doorway.

"He.. He's trying to.. K..Kill himself.." He stuttered, seeming terrified as he spoke. I froze. What?

"God.. Shit, okay. I'll be out in a minute! Just wait by my motorcycle!" I said quickly, ushering him out of my room. He nodded, and ran down my stairs. I quickly got dressed, throwing my shirt on and putting my shorts on. I ran to the other side of my room and put some slides on, and grabbed my keys frantically. What the fuck was Kenny thinking?!

I grabbed my phone then ran down the stairs, tripping on the last step but catching myself. I saw Butters already sitting on the back of the motorcycle, fiddling with his fingers as he waited. I ran up to the motorcycle, not caring to grab a helmet for either of us. I quickly shoved the key into the motorcycle and turned on the engine, kicking the kickstand up. I felt Butters shaking as he held onto me. 

I quickly pulled out into the street, and raced to Kenny's house. He lived on the other side of town, but then again, town isn't very big.

I raced across the streets between cars, cutting them off and racing in front of them. I earned several angry hollers and honks, but I didn't care. Kenny was the main priority. We got stopped at a red light, and I felt Butters trembling and shivering uncontrollably. I gently placed one of my hands on top of his, tapping his for reassurance. I felt his trembling slightly calm down, but he was still shaking. Not much I could do.

I took my hand off of his and drove into the intersection the second it turned green. I went far past the speed limit, but not like Officer Barbrady would give a shit.

I got there quickly, 5 minutes faster than usual. I'd never felt so urgent to get somewhere before. I parked in front of his house, switching the engine off and practically ripping the key out. I kicked the kickstand out and immediately started running towards the house front door. 

I fumbled with the doorknob, finding out that it was locked. Fucking great. I decided to kick at the door, since I knew it was old and raggedy. 

It opened, but it earned me a fucked up foot. Thank my mom for getting me into MMA in middle school.

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