Gift 26 - Roronoa Zoro x afab!reader

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Gift Details ♥
: afab!reader
: Roronoa Zoro
Kink: Dealer's Choice
Prompt: #17 "Did you think being outside would save you?" / #10. "Someone's gonna hear you." 

Summary: You mean to wake up Zoro after he moans your name in his sleep, but instead you find yourself pressed against the deck wall.

Content Notes: oral (reader giving), vaginal sex, outdoor sex, tables turned, cream pie

This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB

The first few rays of sunlight crested the ocean horizon and Zoro groans a little as the sunbeam hits him square in the face. He also realizes that having you around put him in a deeper than usual sleep, as he's groggily starting to realize that you're between his thighs, instead of nuzzled against his chest and he didn't notice.

His sash loosens and he flinches.

"Oi." He says softly as you glance up at him.

"Yes?" You prompt, moving the sash aside slowly.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to suck your cock." You answer, going back to your original action.

"Here?" He doesn't move to stop you, but you can hear the slight tremble of nervousness in his voice.

"The cook's already gone into the kitchen." You assure him, pulling his fully erect dick free from his pants. "You're far more eager than you sound."

He gives you a neutral look, but you're certain he's keeping an eye on the entire ship with his haki as this point. You lick his tip, hearing him suck in a sharp breath for a second before he relaxes into your actions.

"What's spurred this on, anyway?" He questions, brushing your hair away from your face as you begin to take him into your mouth in earnest.

You lean your head back, looking up at him before you look away shyly. You were trying to be the one in control, but it was embarrassing to say out loud. "You were murmuring my name in your sleep." You say softly before you lean back down, taking him entirely into your mouth.

You don't know what face he might have made, but his hand clenched in your hair and you heard the swords clatter as he moved them aside. His hips bucked a little, pushing himself deeper. Despite his general demeanor, he was almost an impatient lover, the pleasure was the point and he saw no reason to be inefficient about getting there.

At least for his own release, when it came to yours he could be an undeniably patient demon.

You could already feel him twitching in your mouth, and you weren't surprised. He wasn't just saying your name in his sleep, he was practically moaning it. His dreams must have been sweet indeed.

"Shit – I'm going to," He grunts, and you feel his body tense when you respond to his words by burying your nose into his pubes. You hear his strangled growl just before he unloads into the back of your throat.

You swallow and sit back, wiping your face and looking quite pleased with yourself.

"Good morning, swordsman." You say cheekily, standing up and dusting yourself off. You start to walk off to take care of your morning items, when a strong hand grabs your wrist.

You barely have time to try and ask Zoro what's up when you're face first against the wall, Zoro pressed behind you. You gasp a little as your pants are yanked down and needy lips are against your neck. A whined gasp escapes your lips and you can feel him rutting against your slit.

"Haaa, Z-Zoro, I'm... I didn't n-need anything in re.. re... return." You manage to say the words as hot hands moved over your body.

"You can't believe once was enough." The words are low, breathed right by your ear as his body holds you against the wall, fingers teasing between your folds.

"We... we're out... side." You say it weakly, you were outside earlier, and that hadn't stopped you.

Zoro grunts, the soft sound of a laugh escaping him. "Anything else to say?" He asks as he's rubbing his tip against your entrance. He's giving you a chance to safe word your way out of your predicament.

"No... please, be – HNNNGghhh!" Before you could ask him to be gentle, he pushes deep inside you, holding you between himself and the wall, filling you full in one motion.

"Careful," he huffs, thrusting into you slowly. "Someone's going to hear you."

"Haa – please." You beg softly, toes barely scraping the grass of the deck, calloused fingers teasing your clit as his other hand holds you against the wall.

Teeth trail along your neck, heavy breath crashing against your skin as the pleasure builds between you both. He's not dragging out the pleasure this time, he's not teasing you, he's driving you to the brink as fast as he can.

Your hand goes over your mouth, stifling the broken cry as pleasure crashes into you. Your body tenses in orgasm, and you can feel him filling you up inside, twitching, wet and hot, as soft, panting kisses are pressed into your skin.

You expect him to let you back down but he begins to push into you again, fingers teasing your clit and your whole body's shivering.

"Z-Zoro!" You gasp, almost clawing at the wall.

"I told you once wasn't enough." He reminds you.

"B-but we're... out—ahhh! Outside!" You gasp, breaths pushed from you as he snaps his hips into you, breaking your words on purpose. "We'll get ca- caught!"

"Says the one that started this." He teases, thrusts coming faster. You can't reply, still trapped between him and the adam wood wall. "You knew being outside wouldn't save you." He hums into your addled mind, nipping at your earlobe as he brings you close to your second orgasm.

"Scream for me this time, (Y/N), I want that shitty cook to hear you."

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