Chapter 12

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Back on earth, the cockroach waited at the same spot where it last saw Wall-E and Remy. It saw a red dot and jumped in excitement. This was the same red dot that Wall-E chased. Then it looked up and saw the Axiom descending. A line of red dots follow and the cockroach goes after them. The Axiom slowly approaches ground zero and re-enters the launch zone in which it took off from over 700 years ago. Despite the platforms being full of dust, it held the large ship. Between the landing and trash towers being knocked down, it created a large but temporary dust storm. Platforms reach the ship and create a path for everyone to exit the ship. Everyone walks out and they look around in awe.

Gnomeo (Gnomeo And Juliet): "Wow. We're here."

Ember (Elemental): "Dang, look at this place."

Buster (Sing): "They said it be more beautiful here."

Buzz (Toy Story): "It's like we're at a whole different planet."

Melman (Madagascar): "Is this the right place?"

Alex (Madagascar): "Melman, name one planet that supports life other than earth."

Eve flew out of the ship, carrying Wall-E's body. The cockroach saw him.

Remy: "Yeah, it's not good."

Eve: "Wall-E."

She zooms to Wall-E's home.

M-O: "Eva!"

Rodney: "Follow her!"

Rodney, Baymax, BB-8, M-O, and the defective robots follow. The Captain removes his hat and places it against his chest. Carl and C-3PO lower their heads down. R2-D2 made a sad moan. Eve arrives at Wall-E's home and begins repairing him. She starts by repairing his storage compartment lid. Followed by repairing his wheels and replacing his arms. She then replaced his eyes and put his head in his body. Remy and the cockroach watch intensely as Eve continues her work. She grabs a new chip and attaches it into Wall-E. Soon she opens his solar panel and shoots the roof open. The others see the blast and stop.

Baymax: "Rodney, BB-8, don't stop."

They keep going. Eve, the cockroach, and Remy watch to see what happens. Soon, Wall-E recharges and wakes up.

Remy: "He's alive!"

The cockroach jumps. Eve holds her hand out to Wall-E. He turns around.

Remy: "Wall-E, what was that for?"

Eve: "Eve."

Remy: "Hey pal, you okay? It's me, Remy. We're home now."

He stares at them. Then she grabs a lightbulb and the Rubik's cube.

Eve: "Wall-E?"

He looks at the items.

Remy: "Get the movie going. See if that works."

Eve puts the tape in and the movie begins. They turn around and see him creating a trash cube with some of his collection.

Eve: "Wall-E?"

Remy: "Why'd he do that?"

The cockroach stands in front of Wall-E, only to get crushed. Wall-E kept moving. Baymax, BB-8, and Rodney meet with him.

Rodney: "Look, she fixed him!"

Wall-E cruises past them.

Baymax: "Strange. I thought he'd see us."

Eve and Remy begin to get frustrated.

Rodney: "Is he okay?"

Remy: "I don't know."

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