Threads of Destiny

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In threads of destiny, woven with care,
Unseen signs, a cosmic affair,
A tapestry of fate, we're unaware,
Guiding us closer, hearts laid bare.

Longing glances, stolen and shy,
In moments past, we wondered why,
Fleeting glimpses, our souls did sigh,
Threads of destiny, drawing nigh.

Amidst the crowd, our paths aligned,
In distant dreams, our hearts entwined,
Unbeknownst to us, fate designed,
Threads of destiny, forever bind.

Through the years, we yearned and pined,
A timeless dance, our hearts confined,
Yet in the shadows, threads entwined,
Drawing us closer, love defined.

Each night beneath the starry skies,
In separate worlds, we'd close our eyes,
And in our dreams, we'd fantasize,
Of whispers soft, and tender ties.

But in the waking hours, we'd pretend,
That these dreams, they'd surely end,
Yet deep inside, a spark did send,
A yearning true, we couldn't defend.

The threads of destiny, they weave,
A love so pure, it can't deceive,
Through every twist, it won't bereave,
A love so strong, we can't believe.

And then one day, our paths collide,
In serendipity, side by side,
A chance encounter, hearts open wide,
The threads of destiny, they guide.

In each other's gaze, a world unfurls,
Emotions swirl, like vibrant pearls,
A connection deep, like silken twirls,
Our souls aligned, in cosmic whirls.

So now we stand, hand in hand,
As destiny unfolds its grand,
A love so pure, we understand,
The threads of fate, forever planned.

In threads of destiny, we embrace,
A love so pure, a gentle grace,
Through all the years, we found our place,
Forever bound, our hearts encase.

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