Ink-Stained Love

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In the margins of my schoolbooks,
Where secrets and dreams would dwell,
I etched your name, so tenderly,
In ink-stained tales that I'd never tell.

Amidst the lessons and the lectures,
My heart would start to soar,
As I daydreamed of you, my love,
In the classroom's silent lore.

I wondered if you ever knew,
The verses penned with care,
Each letter a confession true,
Of feelings I could barely bear.

In every scribble of your name,
A tapestry of love was woven,
Hoping that in your heart, the same,
Emotions deep and unspoken.

Ink-stained pages became my canvas,
To paint the portrait of my heart,
Every letter, every syllable,
A reflection of this love, this art.

With every glance, my heart would race,
My cheeks adorned with blushing hues,
Did you see me too, in your daydreams?
Or was it just a ruse?

In the corridors, we passed like strangers,
Yet our hearts were intertwined,
A silent symphony of emotions,
In the margins of my mind.

Through ink and paper, my soul sang,
In verses only you could hear,
A love that bloomed amidst the lines,
And whispered wishes held so dear.

The pages may have faded now,
But the love I feel remains,
In ink-stained memories of the past,
Where affection still sustains.

And as time carries us afar,
Our stories may diverge,
Yet these ink-stained memories of you,
Will forever be my cherished urge.

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