Hidden Smiles

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In the days of old, a tale untold,
I found joy in hidden smiles, so bold,
A distant gaze, a heart's delight,
As I watched him from afar, day and night.

Before he spoke, I learned his way,
Mannerisms, how he'd laugh and play,
Among his friends, he'd stand so tall,
And my heart fluttered, captivated by it all.

His smile, oh, his smile, so radiant and bright,
A beacon of charm, a wondrous sight,
It danced in his eyes, like stars in the night,
And I treasured each moment, holding it tight.

As time went on, we found our way,
Words exchanged, a connection in play,
His laughter echoed in my soul,
A melody that made my heart feel whole.

And then one day, he smiled at me,
A gift so precious, a moment of glee,
My heart skipped a beat, I felt so alive,
In his smile, I found the strength to thrive.

With every smile, he stole my heart,
A work of art, a love's sweet start,
His laughter, a symphony, I longed to hear,
In his presence, I had nothing to fear.

His hidden smiles, now in plain sight,
Blossomed into love, so pure and bright,
In each tender moment, I find my bliss,
For in his smile, I'll forever find my kiss.

So, in the pages of our love's embrace,
I'll cherish those smiles, time cannot erase,
For his smile, my heart, it does beguile,
Forever captivated, by his hidden smiles.

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