Silent Solace

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In silent solace, I find my peace,
A sanctuary where my heartache can release.
Through solitude's embrace, I write,
Stories of him that fill my nights.

Each word I pen is a gentle touch,
A balm for wounds that hurt so much.
In the ink, my longing finds its voice,
In the pages, I find solace and choice.

Amidst the memories and dreams I weave,
I think of him and how my heart did grieve.
With each passing day, I miss him more,
Comparing him to those who came before.

In love's labyrinth, I've wandered astray,
With others, I've tried to find my way.
But none could fill the void he left behind,
In their arms, I found no peace of mind.

Yet, in my heart, a spark still remains,
A hope that one day, fate will rearrange.
For in him, I see a love that's true,
A love that's real and forever new.

I know that if we were to unite,
Our love would soar, our souls take flight.
No more heartache, no more tears,
Just endless love to calm our fears.

In silent solace, I'll continue to write,
About the love that still burns so bright.
And while I wait for our paths to align,
I'll find comfort in these verses, divine.

For in my stories, our love will thrive,
In every word, our hearts will connive.
And as I pen these lines with care,
I'll hold on to hope, and not despair.

For someday, destiny will decree,
That he and I are meant to be.
And until that day, in solitude,
I'll find solace in my love, so true.

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