Flickering Flames

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In the depths of my heart, a flicker resides,
A dance of flames that quietly hides,
Uncertain emotions, a delicate glow,
Waiting for love's winds to make them grow.

Like stars in the night, they shimmer and sway,
A mix of hope and fear in their display,
I long for the moment they'll burn so bright,
Igniting my soul with love's pure light.

Yet, like timid whispers in the breeze,
My feelings linger, unsure and at ease,
I wonder if you sense this gentle fire,
A secret longing, a hidden desire.

In the silence of my heart's quiet hour,
I dream of the day when I'll have the power,
To let these flames roar, to let them be known,
And reveal the love that's steadily grown.

For now, they flicker, these flames inside,
An ember of hope I can't hide,
I pray they'll grow into a blaze so grand,
A love that will withstand time's shifting sand.

Until that moment, I'll hold them dear,
The flickering flames that linger here,
And in my heart, a fervent plea remains,
For the day when love's fire truly gains.

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