Fleeting Encounters

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In crowded trains, we found our fate,
A fleeting encounter, so delicate, so great,
Squinting our eyes to see if it's real,
Is it really you, that I can feel?

In the hustle and bustle, we stole glances,
Heartbeats racing, caught in trances,
A glimpse of you, so long unseen,
A chance to reunite, or so it seems.

But shyness kept our lips sealed tight,
Afraid to speak, afraid to ignite,
The spark that once burned in our souls,
Now hidden beneath our shy veils.

I thought I saw you, in that fleeting glance,
But you moved away, and I lost the chance,
To say hello, to embrace the past,
To make a connection that would surely last.

Regret fills my heart as the train moves on,
Should I have spoken? Should I have been strong?
But the moment's gone, like a dream in the night,
A fleeting encounter, vanished from sight.

Yet deep in my heart, I know it's true,
That in that moment, I glimpsed you,
And you glimpsed me, we felt the same,
In this crowded train, we played a silent game.

But next time, fate might intervene,
Bringing us together, to fulfill the scene,
Of two hearts reuniting, after all these years,
Overcoming shyness, and shedding our fears.

Until then, we'll have these fleeting glances,
Unspoken words, and stolen chances,
But in our hearts, the hope remains,
That one day, we'll break these chains.

And speak the words we've longed to say,
In a crowded train, on a random day,
For now, I'll cherish this encounter sweet,
A fleeting moment, where our hearts did meet.

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