Puzzle Pieces

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In the labyrinth of time, I wander through,
Pieces of the puzzle, clues to pursue.
A glimmer of hope, a hint in the air,
Could it be fate, leading me to you?

In memories and dreams, you've always been,
A heart's desire, a love unseen.
Yet, life's twists and turns, we drifted apart,
But destiny whispers, "It's not the end."

Each day, I find fragments of you,
In songs we loved, in skies of blue.
A deja vu moment, a familiar face,
A puzzle piece closer to my view.

Through the city's rush, I roam with glee,
A chance encounter, my heart sets free.
A glimpse of you, in a crowded street,
A spark reignites, igniting destiny.

With every passing day, the puzzle grows,
Connections spark, my heart overflows.
In every moment, I feel your touch,
In every whisper, I sense your close.

Time and space may keep us apart,
But in my heart, you've left your mark.
As the puzzle comes together, I see,
Our love, a masterpiece, forever to be.

So, I'll keep seeking, finding the way,
To reunite our puzzle, come what may.
For in this journey, love will guide,
And piece by piece, we'll find our way.

In the grand tapestry of fate, we'll meet,
And as our puzzle forms, love will entreat.
Until then, I'll hold on tight, my dear,
For the day of reunion, so sweet.

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