Chapter 15 I Can't Hear You

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Evelyn POV

"Oh, the sun! How I missed you!" I was near to tears to finally be able to step outside freely like before. 

"You act like you haven't been outside in years," Daisy said as one of Natasha's wolf cub stumbled into her lap.

"Did I mention that the case restricted my freedom! I was locked up in my own house! Oh, my poor past self!" I cried dramatically. 

Daisy smacked the surface of the table in front of her to join me in this act. "How dare she who framed you! I couldn't see you for days because of her." 

"We demand justice! I repeat we demand-OW!!" 

Natasha smacked both our heads, "I demand some better influence for my cubs!" She raised an eyebrow to her cubs that started to dance to our chant. 

"Fine," I whined. "We demand to sing and dance!"

"We demand to sing and dance! We demand to sing and dance!"  Daisy joined me as the wolf cubs began to howl along.

"What the-" Judging from Natasha's expression, she had enough with our stupidity. 

"This is all your influence," she added gesturing to the cubs that were trying to dance and flip in the air. 

I grinned, " I know, I'm a wonderful person."

"Natasha?" Davis, the wolf cubs' father also Natasha's first mate popped his head in. 

"Yes, dear?" 

"The females' mates will be here soon to come to pick them up."

Natasha nodded and turned to her wolf cubs that were now trying to rip apart a beast skin in a game of tug-a-war with Daisy and I placing bets on them. 

"I think that oldest would win, he's the biggest cub out of all of them!"

"No, no, no, the third will surely win! He's got the brains."

"You don't need brains in tug-a-war!"

"Yes, you do! You need to attack your opponents at their weakest spots!"

"With what? They tugging on a piece of cloth!"

Natasha sighed. "Are you two females with mates or just two immature females? Also, they're my cubs that you're placing bets on!"

"It boosts their desire to win!" Daisy argued.

"Exactly!" I agreed. 

"By?" Natasha did not want to lose this battle. 

I scooped up the Second wolf cub. "You would win for me, right?"

The little wolf barked at me and turned his head.

"He's angry because you supported his brothers but not him." Natasha translated. 

"Awwww, come to Aunt Daisy! I will support you!"

"Actually, I believe that it is time for their quiet time." Natasha gathered her cubs and laid them on the bed. 

"You know, I just can't figure out how you are able to keep them quiet! I'm terrible with children- I mean cubs!" I said, remembering my past of trying to babysit my cousin. 

"Ellie! Here comes the airplane! Open up!" I tried to coax my baby cousin into eating her baby food but she broke into tears. "Aww, don't cry! The food's right here!" I tried to show her the spoon filled with baby food but she cried even harder. I picked up one of her favorite toys and tried to entertain her with it but failed. "Here! Teddy is right here! He's here to cheer you up!" It was no secret that it was going to be a long day for Evelyn. 

"You just need to make them understand what you are trying to do in an easy and simpler way."

"Something that I can never do."

Natasha patted my back and gave a warm smile. 

"You can do it! I believe in you!"

I grinned at her, "You know what I believe in? Wheels on the bus go round and round! Round and round!"

"Why you little-"

"Evelyn, Harvey's here to pick you up! Oh, am I appearing at the wrong time?" Davis asked himself as he saw Evelyn and Daisy running out of the house with Natasha hot on her heels. 

"Be careful!" He shouted after them.

Suddenly, the wolf cubs ran out after their crazy mother and aunts. 

"Oh, not you too!" Davis quickly grabbed his cubs. "Your mother is going to kill me if you guys get lost!"

"Harvey, save me!" I said collapsing out of breath in his arms. 

"What did you do this time for Natasha to be so angry?" He questioned. 


And he obeyed, tearing the way home with me in this arms. 

"Come back here you-"

"WHEELS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND! ROUND AND ROUND! WHEELS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND! I CAN'T HEAR YOU, NATASHAAAAAAAA! " I screeched on top of my lungs, ignoring the looks that I got from the people around me. Who cares if they think that I'm mental? I needed to save my butt from Natasha first. 

Author's note:

Hi guys! I'm really sorry for not updating in so long! Life's been really busy! I promise that I will try my best to finish this book! Just a heads up, I might update really slowly right on! I'm sorry again!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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