Chapter 13 Life During House Arrest

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Evelyn POV 

While I was under house arrest as ordered by the Tiger King, which none of my mates were happy about, I decided to make some jewelry to make money once I'm freed from this arrest. So far, I've made necklaces and some trinkets, they don't look half bad as the only materials I have right now are just some threads and from beads. 

"I can't believe that the Tiger King is stupid enough to listen to that stupid's words! I can go and check if that stupid female was born with that small pea sized brain of hers!" Harvey rambled as he brought a spoonful of bone soup to my mouth. 

"Harvey, just be patient. I trust that the Tiger King isn't stupid enough to disregard his reputation over a female. Besides, she's also under house arrest too." I said as I braided a necklace together. 

"The weather isn't so great either so it's not a complete loss for us. But for that female, hehe, she lived by the lake side and it's raining season. I hope her house gets flooded and drowns!" Curtis said, glaring at his bowl. 

I roll my eyes at my two over-dramatic mates. "You know, that female isn't a complete idiot. She's smart enough to get her self out of trouble even when I said that there were other witnesses such as Daisy with me by pretending to be the victim and siding with me that they would prove her right." I picked up bead and compared it to the thread that I was using for the necklace. "It's just that she isn't smart enough to beat me. Sadly, she didn't think about it exactly though enough."

I smirked to myself, "She shouldn't have provoked a forensic scientist, I can very easily show them the power of science."

"Forensic scientists?" 

"You'll see," I yawned as I got form from my sitting position.  "I'm going to take a nap, I'm been so tired lately."

"Hmm, sleep well."


I yawned as I sat up from my bed. 

"You're up, do you want something to eat?" Harvey asked as he watched in the bedroom. 

"Yes, please, I'm starving." 

Harvey nodded and walked out with Curtis coming in with a dark face.

"Stupid King who can't make a correct judgement," he muttered before turning to me with me with his face all bright again with a smile. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

His smile crumbled into a frown as he sighed. "Stupid King as passed his orders, we have to wait another week for in order to meet him again and present our side to him again because of the Ape King."

"Don't worry, Curtis! If the man refuses to open his eyes, then we can only force them open. Besides, he will most likely chose to protect his throne than a useless female."

Curtis sighed. "I know but it's taking way too long for him to choose a side."

Harvey poked his head in the room. "The Ape King is here, he wants to meet you,"

I nodded and followed him to the doorway of our home. The Ape King was short and balding with a servant by his side holding  a large leaf of their heads to avoid getting wet from the pouring rain. 

"Please do come inside," I offered with a polite smile. 

"No need, I'm here to listen to your side of the story for your case," he said, nonchalantly, as if he was merely greeting an old friend. 

I sighed internally and retold my story, fighting the urge to exaggerate everything. 

"I also can include evidence that I made no actions that would have caused her any harm as her outfit that she wore before would have no fingerprints. I'm sure Your majesty will understand what I mean," I leaned in and whispered a few words in his ear. 

He thought for a moment and nodded at me before leaving. 

"What did you say to him?" Harvey asked, slamming the door once the Ape King was gone in the distance. 

"I'm not telling you~" I grinned. 

"Not even if I do this?" He nuzzled my neck and hugged me. 

"No," I said, making him pout. I put my hands on his cheeks and went on, "You'll see soon,"

"When is 'soon'?" Curtis asked behind me, wrapping me in his tail. 

"10 years later," I teased. 

"That's too late!" Harvey whined. 

"Then just wait and see," I said. 

I reached over and grabbed my pile of unfinished necklaces and trinkets while Curtis' tail was still wrapped around me. 

"Are you really not going to tell me?" Harvey asked again.

"Yes," I confirmed. 

"Fine," he sighed and walked out to hunt. 


The moment I turned from Evelyn, my face turned dark. That female was going to pay for what she did to Evelyn. If this case wasn't going to be resolved soon, her reputation would be bad. Even though she never showed it, I knew that she cared about what other people would think about her. 

I looked at Curtis who nodded back at me before turning his attention to Evelyn. Anyone who dares to harm Evelyn will be facing two feral Kings that will not hesitate to kill. 

I was a prince and I have the power of one. And there will be no one in my way that will make me back down from protecting my female. 


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Journey In the Beastworld (On Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora