Chapter 3 Meeting Bai Qing Qing Again and Flaming Parker

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Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to my friends: Yuri, Kylie, Rebecca, Josephine & Sarah and also shout outs to to lollip0psga for her suggestions! Please feel free to add your thoughts!

Evelyn POV

After our meal, I helped Harvey clean up although he insisted that he could do it himself. 

"Harvey, can you tell me more about your medicines?"

Of course, Harvey was more than happy to do so. He happily went through every herb he had and told me what they were useful for. I guess I won't die if I'm in the wildness alone with a wound now, I thought to myself.

As Harvey with in depth with what they call "warm root" which was ginger, someone knocked on the door. 

"Wait here, I'll get it." 

I nodded a response. 

When Harvey returned, Bai Qing Qing was following him behind. 

"Hi, Bai Qing Qing!" I greeted. 

"Hi, Evelyn!"

"So, what are you up too—"

"Ah! Female! There you are!"

I silently screamed in my head. This stupid voice! It belongs in only one person I know of...PARKER!!!

"I'm leaving, Evelyn. There's a family that needs my help," Harvey said. 

"Harvey!" Parker said, handing him a bundle of fur. "Should be enough to pay for your door,"

"Thanks, but I have to leave right now to help a patient." Harvey said.

I sighed. Is he really making me deal with Parker?

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat to get Bai Qing Qing's attention again. "Tsk, tsk. There's so many annoying flies around here. Anyways, as I was saying—"

"Flies? Where?" Parker asked

You! You are the fly! You're a big fat fly!

"What? They probably flew away." I struggled my shoulders. 

I turned my attention back to Bai.

"You should be careful, Bai! There are many people who can't tell the differences between figurative and literal." I lowered my voice. "Just like Parker." 

"Excuse me female?" Parker asked. "Please repeat what you just said.

"I just told Bai Qing Qing to be careful,"

There was a momentary pause.

"Oh!"  I suddenly shout out as if I just figured out something important. "I know!" I turned to face Parker directly face to face. "You didn't hear my words at first, first? Is it because your getting older? That your ears are failing you?" 

Parker look like that if he got the chance to kill me, he would. 

"Evelyn!" Bai Qing Qing warned me with frightened eyes. 

Tsk. Sorry Bai, but I don't really like scaredy cats or cry babies. They annoy me. 

"I'm a prince! Mind your behavior!" Parker roared, attracting a small crowd of beastmen and a few females. "I'm also the most handsome male here as well as the strongest!"

A murmur spread there the crowd and a few beastmen nodded their head in agreement. 

Humph! Cheering for Parker? I'll make you wish you didn't!

Parker smirked, pleased by the response that the crowd gave him. 

"Parker," I started, walking towards him. "Did you ever wonder that all these thoughts you had that you were superior and a prominent figure in this village was nothing but an illusion?"

Critical Hit #1!

"That you were nothing but boastful? Always going around challenging others to compete before showing off your strength."

Critical Hit #2!

"Female! Who—" Parker had his fist balled.

"Evelyn! Don't!" Bai Qing Qing hid behind me, scared for what was going to happen. 

I laughed coldly. I knew that if he was to hurt me even to push me, he would be expelled by the village. 

"Look! Even your own female is so scared of you! Do you really think that you're the strongest?"

Critical Hit #3!

"Welcome to reality, Parker. This is who you are." I smirked, my voice dipped in ice. 

"Haven't you wonder why aren't you mated yet?" I asked, taunting him. 

By now, Parker was on the verge of transforming, ready to kill me. 

"Well, that's because you don't ever think about how other people feel like! " I shouted out, I was angry and I wasn't going to hid it. 

Dead silence followed.

In the webtoon, I always through that Parker was immature. Always so stupid. Every time he tried to "court" Bai, I would be killing him with my glare 100 times, if not, more. 

"Evelyn? Parker? What's going on?" A familiar voice broke the silence. 

"Harvey!" I ran through the crowd towards him. I could only rely on him. Hopefully, he would not let me down. 

"Harvey! Watch your female," Parker still on the verge to kill me, walked towards me. 

"Huh?" Harvey looked from him to me, confusion written all over his face.

"Let's not worry about him, Harvey. I'm hungry, can we eat?" I asked. I didn't want to deal with Parker anymore. 

"I never said you could go," Anger was still in Parker's words. 

"Parker, I said nothing but the truth to you. Everyone here can be a witness for me." I glared at him, annoyed. 

Yet another murmur ran through the crowd. After all, everything I said was true. 

"Let's go, Harvey. I'm hungry." I didn't need to hear their response. I had my skills. 

"Okay," Harvey patted me head and led me back to his hut. 

Harvey POV

This female is more and more interesting. 

She's not like the other females who only know how to eat.

I glanced at her as she walked besides me. 

She does not know that I have watched the entire commotion. She doesn't like to be challenged.

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