Chapter 14 Case Resolved

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Evelyn POV

It's been a week since the visit from the Ape King and the Tiger King has ordered for both sides to meet him once again.

"I don't see a reason for pushing this matter on for so long! Besides, why is this female making this matter a big deal?" I groaned as I got up from my comfortable sort on the bed.

"It's always a big deal when a female gets harmed. In this case, she is trying to convince that she was harmed by you which didn't happen," Harvey said clearing the table.

"I can always kill her you know," Curtis remarked casually from his spot near me.

"Curtis!" I slapped his back with Harvey's strength. "Don't you dare!"

"The offer still stands," he shrugged.

"You're going to get banished or even killed for harming a female!"

"I'm a feral, it makes no difference," he laid his head on my lap and made himself comfortable.

"You-" I tried to argue but he put a finger on my mouth.

"Shhh, let me sleep,"

My mouth fell open.

"Let's go," Harvey said, kicking Curtis off my lap and morphing into a leopard.

I took one last glance at Curtis and sighed. He was snoring.


"During the last few weeks when both females were under house arrest, we realized that Evelyn is not guilty of harming Kimberly. She will be given 5 pieces of high quality skins and a month's worth of food. Kimberly will be under house arrest for a year with no exceptions unless it's life concerning for her by the crimes of harming another female and lying to a king."

"What? Your majesty! I really did not lie! Please believe me!" Kimberly was on her knees and making what she thought was a pitiful expression.

"Explain why there was not a speck of dirt on your dress or any traces of soap recently?"

"I-I didn't use that dress!"

"Are you saying that all the witnesses are lying? That even I, the Ape King is lying?" inquired about a voice behind us.

"Ape King?" Kimberly asked bewildered and looking around the room only to see all the other Beast Kings were present.

Took them long enough.

"I was the one who suggested that we compare the dust of your dress to the dirt on the path." He looked at me before coughing and continuing. "The result of this study has proven that Evelyn is innocent."

Yeah! Take all the credit as if you're the one who thought of it! I thought, rolling my eyes in the process.

"Take her out!" With the command of both Beast Kings, guards immediately came running.

"Your Majesty! Please! I'm really innocent! It's her! She harmed me! Your-" The chubby female was being dragged out by a few tiger beastmen.

"Silence," The Tiger King voice overpowered her screaming and crying.

"I thank Your Majesty for overseeing this case and ruling out the correct judgement," I said as I bowed down.

Thanks for finally combining two brain cells together and making a brain.


"I still can't believe that she got off with such a light punishment!" Harvey raged as we walked home. "She should have been sold off to another village for this! She harmed another female!"

I stared at him. "Calm down, Harvey. At least the truth has come to the light,"

He pouted at me. "But her punishment-"

"-is hard enough for her," I finished firmly.

Harvey lowered his ears making it seem that he was wronged.

"Come on, Curtis might be hungry. I think that he might be hibernating soon."

I glanced at the trees that were slowly losing their once green leaves. I've been in this world for almost two seasons.

"Curtis, we're home!" hollered Harvey, smacking the snake beastmen out of his deep sleep.

As Curtis yawned, Harvey filled him in with what happened at the case.

He smiled at me and wrapped himself around me. "Did you have a good rest?"

He nodded. "I'll go hunt this time,"

"Okay, be careful!"

Curtis POV

I glared at a group of beastmen that were hunting. They were the mates of that female, Kimberly.

I scoffed at their attempts to hunt. Harming my female and still want to live?

In your dreams!

I was quick to grab the deer that they laid their eyes on. Another prey that they didn't catch because of me.

They looked weak and helpless in front of me. The feral king.

They were angry but scared. Their helpless eyes begged me to spare them a prey for their female.

The eyes I was so used to getting. I smirked at them before turning and leaving them alone.

I had enough prey for a week and I was not going to let her get an easy death. I want to let her suffer.


"Try this, Evelyn!" A pair of chopsticks placed a tender and delicious grilled piece of pork belly in my bowl.

I grinned and wolfed it down, almost crying in happiness.

"I love you cooking, Harvey!" I said, helping him with the dishes.

"What about me?" Curtis asked with fake tears.

I kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for the food,"

He smirked victoriously at Harvey who also pouted at me. I gave a kiss too and grinned at both of them. I was lucky that I had such mates who loved me as I was.


Thank you all for your support and understanding! I really can't thank you all enough! 🥰

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