Chapter 9 The Traveling Group

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Evelyn POV

While Harvey was meeting with the travel group to discuss some plans, I made my way to Curtis' cave.

"Curtis, when do you think that we will reach the Beast City?"

"Probably before the winter season." He placed a flower crown on my head.

"Did you ever go to the Beast City before?"

"No, but some of the others did."


"The ones that escaped with Harvey and I,"

"Oh...sorry. I didn't mean to open a wound..."

Curtis smiled at me. 

"It's in the past. Besides, the 5 of us are alive aren't we?"

"Who were the five of you?"

"There was a scorpion, tiger and wolf beastmen. Excluding Harvey and I, of course."


"Evelyn! Curtis!" Harvey came over to us. 

"We're ready to start traveling now."

"Really?" I jumped up. "Let's go!"

"Wait! Your veil!" Curtis said.

"Oh, yeah..." I grabbed my view before dragging Curtis to Harvey.

Ever since I met Curtis, I had always been wearing a veil to hid my face as it was considered "very beautiful" in the Beast World.


"Hi! I'm Daisy!" A pretty girl with light brown hair and a golden hue color eyes smiled at me. 

"I'm Evelyn! Nice to meet you!" I smiled back at her.

"Hello! I'm Natasha and these are my cubs," A very friendly female greeted, gesturing towards 3 tiny wolf cubs laying in a weaved straw basket.

"Wow! They're so cute!" Daisy gushed.

Natasha beamed at us.

While we were laughing and chatting with each other, an eagle beastmen came up to us. 

"Javier!" Daisy flung her arms around him and the eagle beastmen grinned at her.

"Is this your mate?" Natasha and I asked together.

"This is my mate, Javier!" Daisy said at the same time.

We looked at each other and laughed.

Javier smiled at us before kissing Daisy and flying away.

"They say great minds think alike!" I said between laughs.

"I see that you've become friends!" A voice squeaked from behind. 

A rather short beastmen waved at us.

"I'm Randy, the leader of this traveling group. We are ready to start our journey unless there are some last requests from the females?"

"Not from me, I think that we're ready to start traveling." I said.

Daisy and Natasha nodded. 

"Then I believe that we are ready to start traveling."

"Wait!" A voice called out. 

We turned to find a female walking up to us. She had limp, dry looking hair and many beast marks all over her body. Her attire looked way too tight in her. 

I unknowingly cringed.

"Vanessa..." A male called out to her.

"Quiet!" She snapped at him before looking at us. "It's too hot, today. I want fruit."

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