Chapter 7 Curtis and Harvey

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Evelyn POV

About a week after I mated with Harvey, we decided to move to the Beast City. 

"Harvey, is everything packed up?" I asked as I tied a knot to my bundle of clothes. 

"Yeah, we can start our travel with the trading group," he replied back. 

I remembered Curtis' sad smile when he left. I never brought up with Harvey with all the busy events happening.

"Um, Harvey." I asked.


"Um...the day...uh..." Ahhhhhhh! I don't know how to break it to him! 

Harvey looked up from his packing. "Is something wrong?"

"Well...not exactly..." I said in a small voice.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Worry was laced in his words.

"Yeah, it's just that on the day when I visited the lake...I met a...feral and I agreed to be his mate?" I said unsurely, my voice ending like a question.

Harvey halted his movement. 

Argh! Yeah, I know Harvey, I just mated with you and want to move to the Beast City and now just telling you about Curtis! I'm ashamed of me too!

"Evelyn," he started.

I looked down, unable to meet his eyes. 

His hands cupped my face and brought my eyes up to his. 

"I'm not mad or sad. Rather I'm happy," he gave me his sunny smile.


"Yeah," he looked out the window for a moment before turning his attention back to me.

"The rules for the Beast World was always the strongest shall thrive and the weakest shall die. It was the same for my parents. They [Harvey's mother's partners] were out hunting with beastmen when there was an attack from another village. Most of the females were taken, my mother was lucky with a few other females. She was under the cellar when the attack came with a few others. However, the village was gone. My father was the Patriarch's brother, as a warrior, he couldn't ignore the deaths of his fellow partners. He fought back until his last breath. My mother wanted to die with him but she had me. My brothers were all killed."

Harvey took a shaky breath then continued.

"However, the other village were quick to catch up. They took my mother and poisoned me. That's why I lost my ability to earn stripes. They wanted to force my mother but she was loyal to her partners until the end. She committed suicide."

"I sneaked out the village that night to bury my mother with a few others and started my journey at the Beast City. I made friends there and then left to seek a smaller place to live in." 

He gave me a small and sad smile.

"Harvey..." I didn't know what to say.

"Evelyn," he said walking closer to me and taking my face in his hands. "I'm willing to share if it means that you are safe. I don't mind if he is a feral. In fact two of the ones that escaped with me was a scorpion beastman and a snake beast men or in other words ferals. I know that not all of them are evil. In fact we were like brothers, all 5 of us."

"Harvey, thank you," I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around him. 

He smiled.


"Harvey, let's go!" I said excitedly running outside.

"C'mon ket's go meet Curtis!"

"Okay, okay, slow down!" He transformed into a leopard and lowered himself to my level.

I climbed down and held on to his fur before taking off towards to the lake.

At the beautiful scene, I grinned. 

I can and will never get tired of this!

I smiled at Harvey and searched for Curtis' cave. 

Let's see. It was near the shore of the lake by a lot of flowers and a fallen tree... aha! Found it!

"He's over there, Harvey!" I shout. 

Harvey nudged me. "Go on, go meet him." 

"Aren't you going with me?" I asked, baffled.

"I have a feeling that he may want meet you first."


I walked to the entrance and shouted his name twice. 

Sure enough, a large snake came out.

"Curtis! It's me, Evelyn!" 

The snake hissed and nodded his head. Suddenly his head turned towards Harvey's direction. 

"Curtis?" I asked, trying to get him to voice his concern. "Is anything wrong?"

Suddenly Harvey came running towards me.

"Curtis?" He asked, shock and surprise written on his face. "No way!"

Curtis looked shock at him too. He transformed into a half-human half-snake with happiness written on his face.

"Harvey? Long time no see!"

I looked from Harvey to Curtis.

Am I missing something? They don't look like first timers to me.

"Um, guys?" I asked.

"Evelyn, is this the snake beastmem you talked about?" Harvey asked excitedly.

"Um yeah..."I blushed a bit at his words.

"This is one of the ones that escaped with me that night!"

Then, it was my turn to be shock.


"He's speaking the truth, Evelyn," Curtis said, his fondness was shown clearly in his eyes. 

I stared at them trying to digest the new piece of information. 

Curtis pulled me into a hug, Harvey joined in.

"Thanks for allowing us to meet each other again. I though that we [Harvey and Curtis] would never meet again," Harvey said.

I stayed silent, my brain doing over 22402917 calculations a minute.

"Well," I said, after a few minute processing the information. "Let's go to the Beast City!"

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Long time no see! I've been busy with school work and all but I'm back!

So how's this chapter, I know that I switched some of the backstories of the characters a bit but how are they?

Please comment below! Any mistakes would be appreciated too!

Also please check out my friend, MisoMeso's new story: Death and Broken Relationship! Please show her support too! 


AliceChen1234 OUT!

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