With an accomplished nod in his direction, I hurry to my feet and run off—heading back the way I came and holding my foresight so it could recharge.

But it takes me a while to get back, making me wish I had asked Iida for a ride and when I get to the clearing we had split off from the others in—the smell of smoke is harsh against my nostrils.

I can't help but grimace when I look up and see the dark clouds of what I smelt in the air.

And with another huff, I hurry in their direction.

When I make it to one of the villages with no stops or signs of Nomu, the screams of people meet my ears while the loud clatter of blades on blades sing harshly in the air.

Bakugo is the first I see—his blood red cape being easily noticeable within the ruins while he battled against a lizard-like man who held twin blades as well.

He was holding his own with ease and even stabbed the opponent—who in response, just laughed and melted into what looked to be mud along the floor.

But amongst all of that, the absence of a specific redhead not being anywhere in sight is what causes my heart to speed up.

"Bakugo! Where's Eijiro?" I wonder as I near and the scent of smoke from all around burns my eyes.

Glancing up, his blood-red gaze meets mine again and he huffs out a breath against the contaminated air "He went off to get some people out of a burning building, I don't know, I lost sight of him after that because of this stupid clone." He replies.

And seeing my worried expression, his arm raises and he points his blade in the direction the redhead was in.

"I don't have time to find him, these Nomu are all working together to take hostages so I need to stop them before they leave."  The Barbarian claims "So make sure that dumbass is okay!"

I nod quickly in understanding, moving to run off again before the ash-blonde grabbed my elbow—forcing me to come to a stop and turn to him in alert.

"Round face gave you some of her bombs, right? Give me one." He demands and I waste no time in snatching one of the glowing glasses from my satchel.

And after taking the bottle, he lets me go, allowing me to hurry off in the direction he had instructed while shouting a quick 'thank you!' over my shoulder.

I'm a little concerned when I hear an unhinged cackle sound off behind me—followed by a loud explosion that sent a wave of air into my back but I didn't dare look back.

I didn't want to waste anytime.

And through the chaos of burning tree houses, flying nets and Nomu roars, I catch sight of Uraraka and Tsu working together to carry people to safety.

Their quirks were working well with one another and when I see a familiar head of red in the distance—I push my legs to make myself keep running.

"Red!" I shout the nickname out when I near and it appears he's fighting multiple Nomu at once, his head briefly glancing up when he hears my voice.

He smiles to me, his sharpened and hardened hands easily bashing into the creatures—throwing them away while I come to a stop beside him.

"Are you okay?" Eijiro is quick to speak and I nod, quickly reaching out and pulling his sword from its sheathe "I'm okay, are you okay?" I reply as I lightly cup his face in my hand.

Tilting his head into my touch, the redhead offers a short nod before I pull away and look up at the few Nomu surrounding our figures.

Holding his sword up defensively, I don't take my eye off of the Nomu a few feet in front of me "You won't mind if I borrow this, right, Eij?" Pushing his back up against mine, I can't help but grin.

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