Final Chapter 19

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"Please, stop. I'll never do it again." the person whined. He was tied to a chair and nobody could even tell who the person was. His face was all bloody and he didn't look like he was in a good state.

"How are you coping up, Percy?" a voice echoed through the empty hall. Footsteps could be heard from a distance and Percy immediately recognized the voice. "J-Jinyoung," he muttered.

"We could hand you over to the officials but that wouldn't make things interesting would it?" shivers ran down the other. "Jingyoung, I swear please let my sister go. She didn't do anything. It was all me." Surprisingly, such an egotistical man would ask to spare his sister's life instead of his. I guess this monster has a heart after all.

"tsk tsk, I guess you can still defend your sister with this condition?" Percy stutters as he speaks, "She has nothing to do with any of the incidents."

"Pensi di poterci superare in astuzia? Pezzo di merda"(Do you think you can outsmart us? You piece of shit.) Jinyoung with the annoyance built in him gave him a hard smack on his face and he fell, tied along with the chair. Grunts sounded throughout the whole room.

Jinyoung walked slowly towards him and bent down to see his devastating face. He sighs "I promise you Percy, you and your sister are going to experience the pain you've caused for the others for what you've done to my family." There was fear in the man's eyes as he trembled and pleaded over and over again. "lui è tutto tuo"(he's all yours) said Jinyoung and left with a satisfied smirk.

On reaching outside, Jay B waited for his hyung and Jinyoung smiled as soon as he saw him. "Jay B," he called out. "Hyung, is it over?" Jinyoung nodded and assured him. "Yes, it's finally over." "Don't think too much about it, Hyung. You did the right thing." knowing Jinyoung is weak towards injuring people and he knows he couldn't handle what he had done. Jay B made sure his hyung doesn't have to take it to heart. "Thanks, Jaebeom." Jingyoung smiled at him and both of them left the place.
"y/n, we're leaving in 10 minutes!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Geez."

It's finally the end of summer, everyone wants a short vacation before summer ends so they all decided to go on a trip to Jeju Island. Everyone was already in the car except for...

"y/n!! Are you coming or not? We're going to leave you here." Yugyeom shouted from outside and all they could hear was Y/n screaming her way down. "I said I'm coming."

Running towards the car and got in as she tried catching her breath. "You- couldn't wait- even for five minutes?" She breathed heavily. "We're all going to be late if you'd take 1 more minute," said Jackson as he drove off quickly. "Where's the other guys?" y/n asked as she looked for the other car where Taehyung and all were in. Jinyoung could have joined us for the trip but he said he has business to attend to. He hasn't been home for almost a month. I kind of miss him "They left before us. They couldn't wait for you to finish off whatever you're doing." Yugyeom said in the most annoying tone ever. "Hey! It didn't take that long. I- had something to... do." y/n said.

"Okay, both of you stop it. Are you guys planning to fight the whole trip?" Youngjae shook his head and chuckled. "We won't if he doesn't stop picking on me." y/n said in annoyance. "Why? Do you like it when I tease you? I can do this all day." "That's enough for both of you." Jackson looked done with the two. Why am I even in this car?

After a few hours, they all reached the beautiful destination. They could see the beach from a distance and it looked amazing. "Look at that water!" gasp Yugyeom exclaimed in excitement. "It's beautiful." y/n complimented the magnificent view.

"Get your things ready, gang. We're here." Youngjae told them as they all hurried in excitement.

"THE SEA!!!!" y/n screamed as she ran bear footed towards the shore. The wind blew very hard but it was still a little hot. The others carried the things inside the guest house while y/n along with Jungkook and Yugyeom were playing in the water. A bunch of kids they are.

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