Chapter 12

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The next day Jinyoung and his members went to Kim's mansion to hold a meeting. I was there too cause Jinyoung oppa didn't want to leave me alone. 

The meeting was going on and I was sitting outside. I cannot get in cause it's like a mafia's rule or something that a non mafia member cannot enter the meeting. Even if it's a family member. It did take a long time after I was feeling bored and extremely hungry. Suddenly the door opened and Jungkook came out.

"Hey y/n." He said cheerfully.

"Hi Jungkook." I said and smiled.

"Is the meeting over?" I ask him.

"No, it's probably gonna take a while." Jungkook said, which gave me a sad expression on my face. Suddenly my stomach began to grumble which Jungkook looked at me instantly and I froze there and didn't know what to do. It was so embarrassing. Do you have to ask for food now? I scolded myself.

"Are you hungry?" Jungkook asked but he didn't laugh.

"Yeah." I chuckled awkwardly.

He took me to their kitchen and made me sit down at the counter. He took some ingredients from the fridge and began cooking for me. I felt bad I had to trouble him but I can't help it. My stomach already embarrassed me. What's worse?

"Here you go." He served me the dish and I stared at it. It looks so delicious I wanna dig in right now! I nearly drool when Jungkook suddenly laughs.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go ahead." He said and I thank him for the food and began eating. It was delicious as expected. 

"This is so delicious." I said as I ate more.

"Glad you like it." He said and showed me his bunny smile.

I completed the food not long enough and I thanked him again. I never knew he could cook so well. 

"Jungkook, can I ask you something?" I ask while he's still wiping the counter table.

"What is it?" He said and looked at me.

"How did you get into this mafia group?" He looked at me and then smiled.

"It's because of Namjoon Hyung." He said.

"The tall guy with the dimple smile?" I ask.

"Yeah, when I first met him I thought he was cool. And that time I didn't have anywhere to go. I lost my family who got involved with the Mafia and I was a stray so I followed him here. I never thought that that decision of mine could change my whole life." He said which confused me for one thing.

"Even though you knew he was a mafia, you still followed him? I mean not to be rude or something but didn't you say your parents were killed by the mafia? What makes you trust him?" I ask and he just smiles instead.

"I thought the same thing when I first knew who he was. But looking back, he never once did anything to me that will make me hate him. In fact he helped me the most instead. So I thought maybe being a mafia is not so bad after all. I saw how Namjoon Hyung and the others treated me so well. I decided to give them a chance and here I am, part of the mafia myself." He said as he chuckled.

"That's deep." I said and he laughed. "Thank you for sharing though." 

"No problem. I bet you hate what your brother is doing, don't you?" He said which made me look at him instantly.

"Don't worry, once you become adapted to it you'll see why he's doing this? Trust us we're not bad guys." He said and then went back to cleaning. I smiled and thought maybe he was right. I shouldn't hate my brother for this. He did it for mom and dad's sake. It's not his fault.

I went back upstairs with Jungkook and saw them all standing outside. Their meeting ended finally.

"Y/n, Jungkook, where were you both?" Taehyung asked us to come towards the two.

"I was hungry so Jungkook made me something to eat." I said and Jungkook looked at me and smiled and I returned back. Taehyung's expression stayed the same and I can see his tongue poking his inner cheeks. He looked at Jungkook then me.

"Okay." He said and went away. What is wrong with him?

"We have to start searching the area first. And then we'll-" 

"Oppa." I called out to my brother who was talking with the others.

"Yes y/n, what is it?" He asked.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I said and he said something to the others and made his way to me.

"Is everything alright? What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Let's go somewhere private." I said and we both made our way out. Jungkook looked at me and smiled and mouthed 'good luck' and I just smiled back.

Taehyung on the other hand watches whatever is happening. Not to mention he was jealous. Why are you paying attention to anyone other than him?

Me and Jinyoung oppa went to the garden and I decided to talk.

"I'm sorry oppa." I said.

"Why are you being sorry-" I didn't let him finish his sentence when I said.

"I couldn't trust you enough that's why I hated what you're doing. I'm really sorry. I know I'm being too harsh towards you even though I know you're doing your best to protect me and mom and dad. I'm such a horrible sister." 

"No y/n stop. You're not. I get it why you don't like this but don't blame yourself alright? It's true I'm doing this for you and our parents but you don't have to feel burden about it. It was my choice." He said and I started crying again. Why am I so weak?

"Shush...there, stop crying now." He engulfed me into a hug and I hugged him back crying on his chest.

"Hey stop it alright. You're ruining my shirt." He said playfully.

"Don't be so mean." I said and tried to pull back my sobs. He smiled and hugged me tight again.

"Okay let's get in shall we?" He said and I smiled. We both went back in and everything went back to how it was.


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