30//: Harry - Hay Fever

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This is gonna be a story with Y/N. 1D is having a break in this story so yeah.
And it's gonna be a kind of a love story. I hope that's okay :)

Harry's pov:

Today I had another date with Y/N. We had known each other now for 4 weeks and we went on 2 dates in the past. The day before she texted me. She wanted to go out one more time. But she didn't tell me what she had planned.

"Hello, my friends!", Liam entered my apartment. Yes, we lived in different houses at the moment, just to have a little break from everything that was going on in the band.

I invited him to me before I'll go out with Y/N because I didn't want to be alone and he would drive me to Y/N because my car was under repair.
Liam had the key to my apartment because yeah, I don't know actually.

"Heyy, how are you doing?", I asked.

"Good, I'm good. How are you? You have a little red eyes. Are you okay?", Liam replied, then he sat down on the sofa.

"Want a cup of tea?", I asked before I answered.
Liam nodded "Sure".
I got a cup of tea for Liam that I had made earlier.

"So I actually had to fight with hay fever again last night. It still itches a bit. I hope it won't affect my date with her.", I said and sat down next to Liam.

"Do you have some medicine for the symptoms? Maybe you can ease them until the date is over?", Liam suggested.

"No, it's empty. I don't have anything left.", I said.
"Oh okay. But that's a bit risky, Haz...", Liam said worried.
I shrugged with my shoulders.

*in the afternoon*

It was time to go. Liam drove me in his car to Y/N.

"So should I pick you up later or will you take her home?", Liam asked.

"I will see. Can I text you if you have to pick me up?", I replied.
Liam nodded. "I'm waiting in your apartment."
I laughed, "Yes, do this."

I got out of the car and already saw Y/N in front of her house. She was waiting for me.

"Hey, darling. How are you doing?", I greeted her. We hugged each other.

"Hey, it's nice that you came. I'm good, thank you. Are you okay?", she replied and gave me her beautiful smile. I really fell for her.

"Why shouldn't I come? I mean you're so beautiful.", I said. I ignored her question.
Her cheeks were turning a bit red.
"So what's your plan? You didn't tell me about it!", I changed the theme.

"Oh uhm yeah. I planned to go on a picnic if that's okay for you.", she said.

"That sounds really romantic."
That was a really good idea. But I didn't care about it because it didn't matter what we would do because as long as she was with me, everything was really cool.

"So let's go? I already know a really good meadow for our picnic.", Y/N said.
"Sounds good."

*15 minutes later*

We had to walk some minutes until we reached the meadow that Y/N was talking about. On the way there we talked a lot about ourselves. So about our hobbies, our families, our interests etc.

When we reached the meadow, I already knew it would be really beautiful. The sun was already going down and it was really quiet around here. No cars and no streets that were making noise. It was a really really wonderful place to spend some time together.

We sat and started to eat some fruits that Y/N had brought with her.

We talked a lot and at some point I noticed an itch in my throat.
'Shut the fuck up, hay fever!', I told myself.
BUT the hay fever said 'Nope, Harry, absolutely no. Not today.'

I started sneezing five times in a row. My eyes were itching and it felt like my throat would explore.

"Harry, what's wrong?", Y/N said worried.

"Nothing, I just have hay fever, it's not that b-", another time I had to sneeze very loud.

"We should go home!", she said and packed up all her things and then she 'dragged' me back to her house.

When we arrived, she didn't know what to do.

"You can call Liam. He's my best friend. He always knows what to do.", I stuttered, trying to get some oxygen.
Y/N nodded and grabbed my phone.

"What's your pin code?", she asked desperately.

"2812", I whispered. My throat hurt, I could hardly breathe and I felt like I was suffocating.

Y/N called Liam and told him what had happened.
Then she hung up.

"Liam is going to be here in a few minutes. Hold on, it'll be okay.", she said and helped me to sit down. I felt like it's gonna be over with me in the next 5 minutes because it was like I was out of oxygen.

*a few minutes later*

Liam came through the garden gate. In his hands: My asthma spray and some medicine for hay fever.
I took both and Y/N gave me a glass of water. After 10 minutes I could breathe a bit better.

"Haz, I'm so so sorry, really. If I had known that I never would've taken you to this shitty meadow. I'm so sorry, really.", Y/N said.

"I personally don't think it's your fault.", Liam said trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought if you knew I have asthma and hay fever... you wouldn't want me anymore.", I explained.

"Harry, you're such a beautiful boy. I'd taken you in any way. I don't care if you have allergies or any illness. I love you anyway and I wanna be with you however you feel and whatever you do.", she said.
My heart became very warm. She really fell for me too?

"I...I love you too. You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Do you want to be my girlfriend? I want you to be comepletely mine..", I said.

Liam had a big smile on his face.
And when Y/N said 'Yes I want!', his smile became even bigger.

"Finally you have a new girlfriend.", he said.
I punched him in the upper arm.

"Ouch! What? You need someone you can spend time with during our break or your sex life will be rusting and you become a skeleton.", Liam said.

My face became as red as a tomato and Y/N laughed hard.

"Wanna take Liam or me?", I asked sarcastically.
Liam and Y/N were laughing.

After we spend some time together Liam drove me home and Y/N promised me we would see each other again soon. And she promised she would never ever take me out to a meadow again...


Little love story hehe ^^
I hope you like this one. If you have a wish for a new chapter, just comment <3

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