6//: Larry Stylinson - Louis in the hospital

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No one's pov:

The last few weeks and months were very hard. The 1D boys were on "Take Me Home-Tour" and still are. But they don't have many concerts anymore. Just one in a week. But they also have to start with their third album. They already wrote the songs and now they always have to record the songs in the night.
That's very exhausting...

It's been also a very tough months for Louis. He couldn't stand the pressure like he always did but Harry, his boyfriend, always supported him. Louis really needed him in this hard time.


Harry's pov:

"God, I still have to record my part in 'Don't Forget Where You Belong'. But I can't make it. I'm too bad to sing the part in the right note.", Louis whined.

"C'mon baby! Your voice is amazing and you know that. Please, don't give up and don't stress yourself. If you stress yourself, you'll never make it.", I tried to calm my Boo Bear down. It hurt me to see him like that. But it had become a part of Louis' everyday life.

Louis came up to me and hugged me. I hugged him tighter because I knew he needed it.

"Thanks, baby...", he thanked me.

"No, don't say thank you, honey.", I waved it off.

Louis smiled. But I knew he faked it. I missed his real smile...

"I'm going jogging a little. See you later, love.", Louis said and gave me a kiss on my lips. Then I saw how he looked for his sportswear and went out.

He didn't even let me reply. I was so worried. He lost so much weight in the last few months and he was still going for a walk...in the middle of the night. As he looked, he should no longer have any strength for sports. I hoped he was okay.

I decided to wait on the sofa for Louis and not going to sleep until he's back. Niall, Liam and Zayn already went to bed.

I chilled a bit and after an hour and a half Louis came back. He looked so tired.

"Are you okay, Lou?", I asked worried.

"Yes, I'm okay.", he smiled but I saw that he was faking it again. He looked tired.

Louis' pov:

I was cutting my heart in two halves by lying to Harry. He was my boyfriend. He had a right to know how I was feeling. But I was always lying to him. Why was I that bad? I didn't deserve the love he gave me. He deserved so much better.

I was just trying to walk straight when I came back from jogging, but it was very difficult. I stuggered and suddenly I became so dizzy that I fell down. I hit my head on the hard ground in the tour bus and fell down into a huge black hole.

Harry's pov:

Louis staggered and suddenly he fell down. He remained motionless. I jumped up and shouted after Liam.
Then I went to Louis and shook him carefully.

"Louis! Heyyy? Louis? Please answer!", I cried while kneeling next to him.

"Hey, what's wrong, Harry? Why did you-oh my God! What happened?", Liam entered the room. He really had heard my shout.

"He just fell down.", I sobbed.

"I call the ambulance!", Liam said and took his phone.

"Louis, please! Wake up! Baby!", I shouted full of despair.
"Please! Don't leave me, I need you, honey!", I cried so hard because I was so helpless.

"The ambulance is coming!", Liam said and hugged me. "Everything will be alright, mate!", he tried to calm me down.

Liam looked at Louis and he noticed "He became so skinny, didn't he?".
I nodded.

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