20//: Zayn - Febrile Spasm

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No one's pov:

Today the boys had the 4th concert this week. It was so exhausting for everyone and especially Zayn. Zayn told the other boys he didn't feel well the last few days. He had fever almost every evening. That's why the boys tried to have an eye on Zayn. Zayn was thankful for their support.

"You can go on stage!!", Paul shouted.

"Wooooo, let's gooo", Louis laughed.

The boys went on stage and were welcomed by a loud noise from their fans.
They sang their first song "Clouds" and then they said 'Hello' to the fans. Unfortunately, it was Zayn's part this time.

"Good evening, Cardiff!", Zayn almost whispered but he tried to say it as loud as he could.
"Thank you so much for your amazing support.", Zayn added.

The fans screamed so loud that it was probably heard across Cardiff.

When the boys sang their song "Right Now" they looked into the crowd with tears in their eyes. They couldn't believe how far they made it.

"Isn't it amazing?", Louis whispered in Niall's ear.
Niall nodded. "It's so amazing! I can't believe it."

*after the concert*

The boys left the stage after they said 'Goodbye' to the fans.
Zayn sat backstage on the sofa and put his hand on his forehead.

Liam's pov:

I looked at Zayn all the time because I knew he didn't feel well the last weeks.
When I saw how he sat on the sofa and touched his forehead, I went straight to him.

"Zayn, are you okay?", I asked and sat next to him on the sofa.

"I'm good.", Zayn faked a smile.

"Please, you don't have to lie. I wanna help you and I don't want you to not feel well.", I said and tried to get Zayn's trust back.

"I'm feeling hot.", Zayn admitted.

"We will go back to our hotel and there you can lie down. I guess, it's the same like every evening, isn't it?", I said and then raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah, it's probably the same like every evening.", Zayn confirmed my statement.

I stood up and went to Harry, Niall and Louis who were in another room in the backstage area. In this room were also a sofa. They were sitting on it.

"Guys, we will go back to the hotel now. Zayn is feeling worse.", I said and took my way back to Zayn. The guys followed behind me.
Paul drove us back to the hotel.

There I helped Zayn into bed. I was worried and I was so sorry for him.
I put my hand on Zayn's forehead to check if the fever is back.

"Zayn, your fever is back and I guess it's higher than the evenings before.", I said.

"What? No please!", Zayn groaned.

"I will measure your temperature if it's okay.", I said and Zayn nodded.

I got a thermometer and measured Zayn's temperature.

"Uhm... I think you should rest.", I was shocked because of the temperature but I couldn't tell it Zayn.

"How high is it?", Zayn wanted to know.

"It's not that high.", I lied. I didn't want to upset Zayn. He felt miserable and the high temperature wouldn't make it any better. Especially if he knew how high it actually was.

"Sleep a bit.", I said and left his room.

"How is he?", Louis asked and drank his tea.

"His fever is higher than ever.", I said worried.

"How high?", Harry asked and he also drank tea.

"40,1°C (104,18°F). Haz! I don't know what to do! And you know Zayn wouldn't go to the hospital. What if he gets a febrile spasm?", I was desperate.

"Calm down, Liam. I know his fever is very high but don't worry! He'll be okay. We will look after him and if it's getting worse, we'll go to the hospital even if Zayn doesn't want to, okay?", Harry hugged me and I was so glad he understood me.

"Thank you, Harry.", I said and looked at Louis and Niall. They were quiet.

"What's wrong? Lou? Niall?", I asked them.

"We just don't know what to say. I'm personally just so worried about Zayn. Since weeks he's getting fever every evening.", Louis said and looked worried at me.

"I know but what should we do?", I asked desperately.

"We will take a look at him. We don't have no more concerts this week. We should talk to the management and ask, if we could postpone the few interviews and the photoshoots.", Niall now said.
We all nodded.

"Well, I will check on Zayn again.", I said and went to Zayn's hotel room.
What I saw there shocked me.

Zayn lay in his bed and convulsed. His muscles were twitching and he was unconscious.

"ZAYN, OH MY GOD!", I screamed.

Harry, Louis and Niall came into the room and they also were shocked.
Harry took his phone. I guess, he wanted to call the ambulance.

"We have to clear away sharp objects!", Niall shouted and Louis helped him with doing it.

I tried to wake up Zayn but I couldn't.

After 2 minutes Zayn stopped convulsing.

"Zayn! Hey? Are you awake?", I asked Zayn.
Zayn was tired and he almost fell asleep.

"Let it be. He's tired after this seizure.", Louis said and put his hand on my shoulder.

Then also Harry came back. Behind him were paramedics.

"I already told them what happened.", Harry said and the paramedics went to Zayn.
They examined Zayn and decided to take him to the hospital.

*later in the hospital*

We were now in the hospital. Zayn already rested in his room.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Johnson. And you are?", a doctor came to us.

"I'm Louis, this is Niall, this Harry and he's Liam.", Louis pointed on each of us.

"And you're Zayn's friends?", Mrs. Johnson wanted to know.

"We're his friends and his bandmates.", Harry replied.

"Oh okay. So Zayn had a very very high fever and that's why he had a febrile spasm. We have already ruled out epilepsy. So it really only came from the high fever.", the doc explained.

"And where does the high fever come from?", I asked.

"So Zayn already told me he had many evenings where he had a high fever and we couldn't find an illness or something. So we really think it's from the stress. Zayn told me he didn't feel well the last few weeks. He also said he's in a band -probably with you- and the pressure increased.", Mrs. Johnson explained.

I was shocked. I mean, he really got fever from the stress in the band?

"And what can we do now? What can we do that he gets better?", Niall asked.

"He won't be allowed to do any concerts in the next weeks. He's way too unstable. He will have to talk to a psychologist.", Mrs. Johnson said.
We said 'Goodbye' to Mrs. Johnson and went to Zayn's room.

"Hello Zayn", I said and Zayn smiled.

"Hey guys. It's nice to see you're here.", Zayn said.

"Hey, c'mon! We're your friends. We'll be always there when you need it.", Louis said.
Zayn smiled again.

"So how are you feeling now?", Harry wanted to know.

"I'm better. Still feeling a bit hot but I'm better off.", Zayn replied.

No one's pov:

Zayn was released from the hospital after 3 days but he's not allowed to do any concerts. He will continue to be accompanied by a psychologist. And he's glad the boys were always there for him.

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