She looks into my eyes adoringly. "You made a rule to assist with my thesis. Thank-you! That means so much too me."

"Sweetheart, did you want to have children?" I asked.

She looked surprised, "Ummm.... one day I would love to have children. But I want to earn my Master Degree first sir," she quietly answers.

"Fair enough. Rule 7: You will take care of your physical and mental health. I will pay for all medical appointments. I will send my doctor to the penthouse to give you a complete physical this week. The doctor will also prescribe birth control pills for you. I will use a condom until then and respect your wish not to get pregnant at the current time." I cannot wait until she graduates. I want her to be round with our children.

"Thank-you sir. Will you be making all my medical appointments?"

"Of course. I want my princess to only have the best doctors." Crysta blushed.

"Rule 8: We are exclusive. I own you. Nobody can have what I'd mine. Nobody else can have what is yours." I order.

"Just a bit possesive," Crysta teases.

"Just a bit protective, sir," I correct.

"Sorry, sir."

"We can update the rules as necessary. Are you ok, with these rules princess?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Let's go to your apartment and talk to Amy." I open the front door for my princess.
Crysta's POV

Hunter is driving me to my apartment. The ride is comfortable but quiet. He has his hand on my thigh. As we park in front of the apartment, I notice Liam's car. "I didn't expect Liam to be here," I was surprised.

"Liam is Amy's boyfriend. Where else would he be?" Hunter questioned. He helped me out of the car and held my hand with our fingers intertwined. He looked down at me. "I am always going to protect you and take care of you. You already have my heart, being my submissive only makes me love you more. Now you have the key to my soul as well,"he smiled. He has a way with words that warms my heart.

We entered the building, and headed to my apartment. I knocked on the door before I opened the door. Liam and Amy were having an intense conversation. "Amy, is everything ok?"

Amy jumped. "You scared me. I didn't realize you were here."

"Sorry," I apologized. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Everything is fine. I just have a lot on my mind," Amy answers. "I am glad you are home."

Hunter walks into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of wine and four glasses. "Come. Let's sit at the table. We have some exciting news to share." Hunter pulls out a chair for me as we all sit down. He sits next to me after he pours wine into all four glasses.

Amy squeaks, "What is the good news?"
She looks at me. Liam nods at Hunter.

"Well..... Hunter and I have made a big decision...." Amy interrupts.

"It's to soon to get married," she laughs.

"Let her finish cupcake," Liam suggests.
"Go on."

"Well..... we are going to live together, not get married."

"How soon?" Amy asks.

I turn to Hunter. He replies, "Tonight. She can choose a day to pack. I will have the movers bring whatever she wants to my, no our home." My cheeks turn red.

Amy is quiet. "Congratulations Hunter. I am glad you are both taking the next step," Liam exclaimed. "Aren't you happy for them Amy?"

"I am. I really am. It was just so unexpected, " Amy joins in.

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