Chapter -35

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As they all settled in Jeyaram's car and began their journey to Dwani's orphanage, Govind couldn't help but pray silently in his mind. He wished that Dwani's uncle would recognize her as the girl he had been searching for all along.

During their journey, they made a stop to eat food and then resumed their trip after a few hours. Finally, they arrived at the orphanage, and Dwani's eyes lit up with joy as she saw the children playing happily. She searched for her uncle and found him in his office. She introduced Vedant, Parvathy, Jeyaram, and Govind to him.

While Dwani, Vedant, and Parvathy went to distribute the presents she had brought from America to the children, Jeyaram and Govind took the opportunity to talk with Dwani's uncle. They wanted to confirm if he recognized her and if she was indeed the girl they were hoping she would be.

Jeyaram asked, "Do you remember our conversation?" Dwani's uncle nodded in acknowledgment. Then Govind took out a photo and showed it to him. The uncle looked at it carefully and said, "Yes, it is her."

Govind and Jeyaram were both shocked and relieved at the same time. Their prayers had been answered, and they were overjoyed to know that Dwani was indeed the one they were looking for.

Before they could delve further into the matter, Dwani arrived with her gift for her uncle. The time with the children didn't leave them with much opportunity to discuss further. After spending quality time at the orphanage and seeing the happiness on Dwani's face, they decided to leave the rest of the conversation for later.

As they returned to Chennai, Vedant noticed a tension in Jeyaram and Govind's minds but he brushed it off. Though Govind was silent, Parvathy sensed that something important was on their minds.

During the journey, Vedant was happy just looking at Dwani's smiling face, knowing that she was with her family that is her orphanage people and in a place she loved dearly.

Once they were back home, Govind and Jeyaram found a chance to talk privately. They were elated about the confirmation of Dwani's identity but also had some serious matters to discuss. They knew that they needed to plan the next steps carefully, taking into consideration everyone's feelings and future.

After their private discussion, Jeyaram suggested conducting a DNA test to confirm Dwani's identity, despite Govind's belief that she was her daughter. Jeyaram wanted to be absolutely certain before making any decisions that would have a profound impact on both families.

However, Govind was confident that Dwani was her daughter and didn't see the need for a DNA test. He believed that their instincts and the emotional connection they felt were enough to know the truth. But Jeyaram insisted on going through with the test to clear any doubts.

Finally, Govind agreed to the DNA test, understanding the importance of addressing any uncertainties. The question remained about how to get Dwani's sample for the test.

Govind suggested that Vedant could help them with this matter, and they decided to discuss it with Parvathy and Vedant to seek their support.

Vedant, with a smile on his face, informed his mother Parvathy that he was going to Dwani's house. He missed her home-cooked food and was eager to spend some quality time with her.

At Dwani's house, she welcomed Vedant with equal enthusiasm. She was delighted to see him and happily agreed to cook him some of her delicious home-cooked food.

After enjoying a heartwarming meal together, Vedant and Dwani spent some precious moments in each other's company. Their love and affection for each other were evident, and they cherished every second they had together.

Later, Vedant returned home to find his parents and uncle sitting in the living room, deep in discussion. On noticing Vedant, Govind asked him to come and join them. He then informed Vedant that he had something important to discuss, but he requested Vedant not to get angry after hearing it.

Vedant, slightly puzzled and curious, sat down with a mix of emotions. He reassured Govind that he would listen with an open mind and heart, ready to understand whatever it was that his uncle wanted to share.

Govind took a deep breath and began to explain story Vedant listen to him patiently he also said his reaction on seeing dwani for the first time in america"Vedant, there is something I need to tell you about Dwani. We want to conducted a DNA test to confirm her identity.."

Vedant's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting such news. He took a moment to process the revelation. However, instead of getting angry, Vedant responded with understanding and empathy.

He said "I will help you all I will get her sample"govind signed a relief breath.

He looked at his parents and uncle and saw the love they had for Dwani if it's saud all this was true. Vedant realized that this discovery didn't change the love he had for her or the relationship they shared. Dwani was the same person he had grown to love deeply, and this new information only added to her story.

With a warm smile, Vedant said, "Uncle, I understand. Dwani is still the same person I love, and this doesn't change anything between us. Her identity and our love remain as strong as ever."

Vedant's parents and uncle were relieved to see his mature response. They knew that he truly loved Dwani and that their relationship was built on a solid foundation of understanding and support.

Govind thanked Vedant for his understanding and acceptance, knowing that he had a good-hearted and loving partner for Dwani. The family felt closer than ever, knowing that they were united by love and the willingness to face any challenges together.

But he don't know how will dwani react after hearing all this.

With this revelation, Vedant knew that Dwani's bond grew even stronger, as they knew that their love had overcome obstacles and that their families were fully supportive of their relationship. They were ready to face whatever the future held, hand in hand, with the love and blessings of their loved ones. If all this comes true then dwani dream will full filled vedant thought in his mind.

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