Chapter -34

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Early in the morning, the entire group headed to the airport in America. This time, Dwani was not nervous at all; she felt a sense of comfort and happiness knowing that she was walking hand in hand with Vedant, the love of her life. The support and love she received from Vedant and his family during their time in America had given her newfound confidence.

As they boarded the flight, Dwani looked out the window with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. She couldn't believe how much her life had changed in such a short span of time. The memories of their trip to America were still fresh in her mind, and she cherished every moment of it.

The long flight back to India passed by with conversations, laughter, and moments of reflection on the journey they had just experienced. Dwani and Vedant sat together, occasionally sharing a tender glance and a smile, reaffirming their feelings for each other.

After a flight duration of about 20 hours, the plane finally landed at Chennai Airport. As they stepped out of the aircraft, a sense of familiarity and warmth washed over Dwani. She was back in her homeland, and the sight of the airport filled her with a sense of belonging.

Vedant's parents, Jeyaram and Parvathy, and his uncle Govind, were equally delighted to be back in India. They had thoroughly enjoyed their time in America, but there was nothing like returning home.

As they made their way through the airport, Dwani's heart raced with excitement. She was eager to reunite with Swathi and niroop and share her experiences.

The group then made their way to dwani home, As the day went by, Dwani's home was filled with laughter, love, and the excitement of the experiences they had all had. It was a day of celebration and gratitude, knowing that their journey to America had brought them closer together and had changed their lives in beautiful ways.

And so, their adventure didn't end with the flight back to India; rather, it marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with love, companionship, and the promise of a wonderful future together.

After spending some quality time with Dwani and her family, Vedant, his parents, and his uncle returned to their home. The excitement and jet lag from their long flight started to catch up with them, and they all felt the need for some rest.

Back at their home, Vedant's family settled in, feeling grateful for the unforgettable memories they had created during their trip to America. As they lay down on their beds, they slowly drifted off to sleep, the fatigue of the journey finally taking its toll.

The next day, Dwani visited Swathi and Niroop at a restaurant where they had planned to meet. Dwani had taken leave from her work, so she had ample time to catch up with her friends and share her experiences with them. She also gave them their present Swathi and niroop thanked her for her thoughtfullness.

As she arrived at the restaurant, Swathi and Niroop were thrilled to see Dwani. They exchanged warm hugs and excited greetings. Dwani handed them the gifts she had brought from America, and their faces lit up with joy and gratitude.

Over a delicious meal, Dwani shared her incredible journey to America with Swathi and Niroop. She told them about the beautiful places they visited, the fun-filled moments with Vedant and his family, and the precious memories they created together.

She described the mesmerizing sights of New York, the iconic Empire State Building, the glamour of Hollywood, and the bustling streets of Time Square. Dwani also shared stories of their visit to the White House and their encounters with friendly locals during their trip.

Swathi and Niroop listened intently, captivated by Dwani's storytelling and genuinely happy for her. They could see the sparkle in her eyes as she spoke about her time with Vedant and the special bond they had formed.

In turn, Swathi and Niroop updated Dwani about their lives and how much they missed her during her time away. They shared their joys and challenges, and Dwani was there to offer her support and encouragement.

The time spent together was filled with laughter, love, and cherished memories. Dwani felt grateful for her friends and the unwavering support they had given her throughout her journey.

As they bid farewell, Dwani knew that her life had changed in beautiful ways, and she owed a part of it to the wonderful friendships she had cultivated. Her heart was full of gratitude for the love and experiences she had received during her time in America.

With her heart brimming with happiness, Dwani looked forward to the future with hope and excitement. She knew that her journey with Vedant had only just begun, and she was eager to see where life would take them next, knowing that the love and support of her friends would always be with her every step of the way.

As Dwani called Vedant to inform him about her plan to visit the orphanage, he was delighted and immediately offered to accompany her. Dwani happily agreed, knowing that it would be a special day for both of them.

Vedant then informed his parents about their visit to the orphanage. When Govind heard about it, he saw an opportunity to have a conversation with Dwani's uncle, though he didn't reveal his true intentions to anyone else. He exchanged a meaningful glance with Jeyaram, Vedant's father, who understood Govind's plan.

Jeyaram supported the idea of visiting Dwani's uncle, knowing the hidden agenda behind Govind's suggestion. He believed that it would be a good opportunity search about her.

As Vedant called Dwani to inform her about his parents and uncle joining them for their visit, she was pleasantly surprised. "That's wonderful! I'm glad they are coming with us," Dwani replied with excitement in her voice.

Vedant explained that his parents and uncle were equally interested in visiting the orphanage and spending time with the children. He felt that it would be a heartwarming experience for everyone involved.

Dwani couldn't agree more. She knew how much the children at the orphanage would appreciate the love and attention from Vedant's family as well. "It's going to be a memorable day for all of us," she said.

The day of the visit to the orphanage arrived, and Vedant, Dwani, Vedant's parents, and Govind all set out together. Dwani was excited to introduce Vedant and his family to the children in the orphanage and share her joy with them.

Little did she know that Govind and jeyaram had other plans with her uncle.

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