Chapter -22

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Dwani pov

We were all seated in Principal Sir's, I mean Vedant Sir's, dad's lounge. Vedant Sir's friends were giving him stern looks for not disclosing the fact that Principal Sir was his father. A servant brought snacks and tea for us. Principal Sir came and sat beside Vedant Sir, looking at all of us. He told us that we might feel betrayed by Vedant Sir's actions, but we shouldn't think that way. He explained that Vedant Sir wanted to experience college life like any other regular student, which is why he didn't reveal his true identity. If we had known that he was Principal Sir's son, our college experience would have been different, and probably not as fun. Principal Sir was a humble person and apologized on behalf of his son.

Then, our gynecology professor arrived. She was Principal Sir's wife, Vedant Sir's mother. We all greeted her warmly, and she also spoke on Vedant Sir's behalf, asking for forgiveness. His friends forgave him, and then Vedant Sir looked at me. I felt like a paralyzed person, not only meeting his parents but also my future in-laws. His parents came and sat beside us. They told me that they already knew about me and were eagerly waiting to meet me. We chatted for some time; his parents were jolly types and cracked jokes in between. Principal Sir suggested that I call them "Amma" and "Appa" (mom and dad) as a sign of respect and acceptance. Appa invited us to join them for dinner.

We all, along with Amma and Appa, went to Vandalur Zoo in the evening. Appa and Amma wanted to spend time with me. After that, we went out for dinner. After dinner, Vedant Sir dropped me off at my home. He asked me if I was happy or if I had any concerns about him not revealing his parents earlier. I told him that I had no problem, in fact, I was happy to have an Amma, Appa, grandparents, and siblings because of him. I went to bed and started reflecting on the past months—how I came here and how I am living now. I arrived as an orphan, and now I have a family of my own.

I thought of calling my uncle from the orphanage to inform him about everything since he was the one who brought me up. I called him and told him about Vedant Sir and his family. He was happy for me and blessed me for my future. He also asked me to visit him with Vedant Sir, to which I agreed.

As she  lay in bed, her mind drifting into reflective thoughts. She couldn't help but marvel at the journey she had embarked upon. Once an orphan, she now found herself surrounded by love and support from her caring boyfriend, as well as his wonderful family and friends. It was a stark contrast to the solitude and longing she had felt in her earlier days.

As she pondered her newfound blessings, a deep sense of gratitude welled up within her. She realized that she no longer yearned for anything more from life. The warmth of her boyfriend's love and the genuine friendships she had cultivated had filled the void she had carried for so long. It was a profound realization that brought tears of joy to her eyes.

In that moment, she turned her thoughts towards the divine. With a grateful heart, she whispered a heartfelt thank you to God for granting her this better life. She recognized that her journey had been guided and that the universe had conspired to bring her to this point. Dwani felt an overwhelming sense of contentment and knew that she had been given a second chance at happiness.

With her heart brimming with gratitude, she closed her eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that life would always have its challenges, but she also understood that she had a support system that would stand by her side through thick and thin. In that moment, she couldn't help but feel immensely blessed for the love, care, and companionship she had found.

As she drifted off to sleep, she held onto the certainty that her life had taken a beautiful turn. She knew that her journey was far from over, but with her newfound family and friends, she felt confident that she could face any obstacle that lay ahead. And so, with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit filled with hope, Dwani embraced the peaceful slumber that awaited her, eager to awaken to a new day in her better life.

Vedant pov

After the revelation, my appa asked us to gather in his lounge area. My friends were giving me hostile looks, and Dwani was sitting there, seemingly frozen. The maid brought us tea and snacks. Then, my appa and amma entered and explained everything to my friends. Eventually, they forgave me. My parents engaged in conversation with Dwani, getting to know her better.

Appa then invited my friends to have dinner with us, and surprisingly, they agreed. In the evening, we all went to the zoo, as my parents wanted to spend some time with Dwani. Although my friends were still upset with me, I continued to plead and try to pacify them. Eventually, they relented and forgave me. I couldn't bear the thought of losing them; friends are like our lifeline during difficult times, and their friendship means a lot to me.

After the zoo, we headed to a famous restaurant for dinner. During the conversation, my parents asked Dwani to call them appa and amma, as she is their future daughter-in-law. Later, I dropped Dwani off at her home and asked if she had any issues with me. She smiled and said that she was lucky to have me because, through me, she gained a family.

Now, everyone in college knows that I am the future heir of the college and hospital. People in college also fear me, which is why I kept my identity hidden and tried to live a normal life. But eventually, I knew I would have to face this situation, so why not now?

After reaching home, my parents asked me if they could spend some time with Dwani. I happily agreed and let them enjoy their time together. Then I went to my room and lay down on my bed, lost in my thoughts. I couldn't help but reflect on my life. I have been blessed with everything I could ask for – loving and caring parents, a wonderful girlfriend in Dwani, and most importantly, my friends who mean the world to me. They have always been there for me through thick and thin, and I am grateful to have them in my life. I realized that they are my support system, my pillars of strength.

With all these blessings and the support of my loved ones, I couldn't imagine my life getting any better. I knew that my next step was to focus on completing my studies and preparing myself to take over the hospital and college in the future. It was my responsibility to carry on the legacy and make my parents proud.

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