I became the mother of the male lead - Episode 114

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Episode 114.

With Talio in his arms, Jenuus began to walk slowly. The villagers, who looked at Talio in Jenuus' arms with fear, made way for him.

Seeing Jenuus disappear somewhere, Ateus felt anxious. He couldn't do anything but watch her small figure getting farther away.

"Really, I'm sorry."

". . . . . ."

"It's my fault. My fault. . . ."

". . . . . ."

"The children won't get hurt anymore."

She left abruptly after leaving those words. The villagers wondered how the children would no longer get hurt, but they didn't ask. They believed that Jenuus would surely do something, just like when she saved the village from the monsters.

Indeed, as Jenuus said, the village regained peace. The next day, the sun rose first, just like before.

"Now the children will be fine. Don't worry."

When Jenuus reappeared in the village as if nothing had happened, Ateus thought it was all a dream and hid behind his mother, watching her protectively.

Within a day, Talio was gone, and although Ateus instinctively felt that something was wrong, he felt relieved that Jenuus hadn't left.

But then, Jenuus said goodbye to Ateus, teasing him.

"I'm leaving. Don't worry, the village won't be unhappy again."

Jenuus laughed and reassured the worried villagers. Ateus couldn't understand how she could smile at those who had stabbed a knife into a young child's heart and strangled him.

The villagers also knew that they had no right to hold Jenuus anymore. They didn't even bother asking how she had dealt with Talio. They only vaguely guessed that she had made a painful choice.

"I'm sorry. The children, the children must have gone to a good place. Please don't blame Talio too much. It's not the child's fault. If you want to hate someone, hate me. It's all my fault and the sins I committed are so great. . . ."

Genus left after leaving those words.

Atheus watched her fading figure for a while, then chased after her like a crazy person. He stumbled and swayed on the winding path a few times, but didn't stop.

Cruel Genus didn't stop to wait for Atheus, not knowing if she knew he was following her. The place where her footsteps finally stopped was the middle of a low mountain outside the village.

Genus knelt down there and started digging. There was a barren land without a single blade of grass that seemed to have been freshly dug and covered. And on top of it, there was a discarded and desolate piece of wood, a doll with Talio's face carved clumsily.

Atheus realized instinctively at that moment. Talio, who was said to be "unable to die even if killed," was dead. And buried there.

Genus had secretly thought that he could somehow save him, but it was only to deceive his guilty conscience. Genus didn't know how to protect both the peace of the village and Talio's safety.

"Yesterday, that child mentioned you."

Genus knew that Atheus was following him. Still showing his back, she said while crying.

"He said that even though it was for a short time, he was happy to be your family. He wanted me to thank you for treating him kindly."

". . . ."

"And he's really sorry. He said he wanted to see Sinya grow up beautifully with you, but he couldn't make it happen."

"Sinya's death, it's not because of Talio."

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