I became the mother of the male lead - Episode 58.

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Episode 58.

It wasn't my jurisdiction, but it was a place where monsters had been causing trouble and the palace had asked for direct suppression.

It was a terrible place where even the hundred knights sent by the palace couldn't return alive, but Hades had confidence in his abilities, so he had no worries.

The situation of Obitus, which he saw firsthand upon arrival, was more serious than he had thought.

For some reason, the monsters didn't die easily, and even though their breath had clearly stopped, they continued to cause trouble by getting up again.

There was only one way to completely eliminate them.

By using the final ability of the fire attribute, Natural Flame, to burn them without leaving any corpses.

In the end, Hades had to use the ability of Natural Flame, which required an unexpectedly high amount of magical power, without a break, and experienced for the first time the 'limit' of his own power.

Feeling the magical power that he had never imagined would run out, he didn't need to recall how many monsters there were in Obitus.

It was an unbearable situation, so he had never mentioned it to anyone, but that day Hades almost died in Obitus.

A single undead creature that didn't die even after the first opening, when he thought it was the end, suddenly appeared in front of him, barely hiding his body.

And the woman who appeared out of nowhere suddenly led the wounded Hades and hid him.

She was none other than Juno.

He received help from her.

From the mysterious woman who lived with a five-year-old child in a dilapidated dwelling.

Juno took care of Hades with all her heart until his depleted magical power was restored, and she asked Abel to wait, saying she would repay him.

"Please take the child with you."

"Just protect him so that he can survive safely. He's still young and it's difficult for him to survive alone. At least until he can survive on his own. . ."

"I know that you won't do anything that will cause harm. The child won't be a burden to you."

For some reason, Janus spoke as if he knew Hades very well.

There was nothing wrong with that statement.

Until meeting Abel, and even now, Hades had a very cold and calculating personality, with sharp eyes for details.

Abel was a young beggar boy, who, despite receiving grace, Hades was not compassionate enough to decide to take him as her disciple.

Hades, as if she had seen everything, explained in great detail the benefits Hades could gain by taking Abel.

Hades was afraid that Hades would reject her proposal and occasionally looked at Abel with affectionate eyes hidden under her thick robe.

Later, she thought that Hades might have been her birth mother, as she couldn't have raised Abel when he was young for some reason, but it was strange for her to be so blindly devoted to Abel.

She asked Abel again just in case, but there was no time for any kind of connection between them.

"Probably his birth mother." Since Abel was the only thing she needed, she forgot about the woman's memories after bringing him to her domain.

Today, Hades couldn't help but think of her again. "In my past life, I remembered how I lived."

Aisha's trembling voice confessing sent shivers down Hades' spine once again.

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