Became the Mother of the Male Lead - Episode 66

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Episode 66.

I was taken aback by Hades' stern expression.

"Why, why?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, why are you asking me that? It's not like I asked to meet you first. Your comrades on the battlefield wanted to see my face first."

"You're really looking forward to it, aren't you?!"

"Yes, I am. They are people I am grateful to meet in the future. As a prospective duchess, there are things I need to show. . ."

"There's no need for that."

"Your Highness."

Hades was bewildered, even blowing out his nose.

"Why on earth did you come here? What do you want to hear?"

". . . ."

"It's a bit burdensome to meet, I'm not mentally prepared yet. Is that what you wanted me to say?"

Hades was taken aback. It seemed like he had hit the mark.

What kind of overprotection is this?

I understand that it's difficult for men who have spent their whole lives on the battlefield to desire noble ladies and have sophisticated conversations.

Isn't it obvious? Did I seem like someone who couldn't handle that level?

"I have to see those faces someday, so why are you so worried? I'm really fine. In fact, I'm really looking forward to it. The hundred soldiers of the Louvermont Duchy, who sweep through the battlefield!"

Hades trembled in front of me as if he was dreaming, then quickly turned his head.

"Fine, do as you please. Come running to me later, scared because I speak loudly and act rough."

"Yes, that won't happen."


"Oh, more importantly."

"Suddenly, I remembered what I was going to ask Hades if I met him."

"Since Mihail has returned, I have bought some time to prepare, and Hades has also resolved the marriage issue for me."

"But I still had a task to solve."

"Regarding Yeongae, I don't want to hide it."

"Just like Abel, who believed in me, I also didn't want to remain as someone who keeps secrets from Hades and Abel."

"To do that, there was something I needed to find out for sure."

"Exactly, the certainty about my existence."

"The certainty about who I am."

"If the dream I had was not just a dream but a newly remembered past life. . ."

"I might be a cursed child of the gods."

"In that case, there is no need to reveal the truth. I just can't be by Hades and Abel's side."

"Although I reached a somewhat bitter conclusion, I couldn't waste time pretending to not know who I really am."

"And if possible, it would be better to do it before stamping the marriage document."

"Because I can't make Hades a divorced man."

"You have the magic suppression potion, right? Take it from me to analyze the ingredients."

Hades raised an eyebrow and tilted his head when I brought up the main point out of the blue.

"Why all of a sudden?"

I Became The Hero's Mother (ChatGPT Translated)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt