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Mephiles POV

I was so excited to marry the girl of my dreams, who saved my life and has the most kindest heart! I felt my brother pat my shoulder as I stood next to the priest awaiting my soon to be wife. The music starts playing and all risen to catch a glimpse at her. Her face was covered by the veil so I couldn't see her smile yet something felt very off about her. I noticed her belt and found it strange since she said she wanted shells in honor of her mother. Then I noticed the necklace on her neck it wasn't my mothers pearl and sapphire necklace. This wasn't my bride! "STOP THE WEDDING!" I yelled and gasped filled the air. I stormed up to her and yanked off the veil causing more gasps then whispers. "WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled. "I'm not telling you Mephy this was suppose to be OUR DAY!!! Not you and that fish!" She hissed and I growled. "GAURDS TAKE HER AWAY!" I yelled and ran back to the palace to look for my real bride. Blaze and Shadow ran behind me after informing her father we will find her. Blaze caught up with me and had us follow her to the last room Knucklina was in. Blaze approached the door and found it lock. I pulled her away and with a swift kick I broke the door. There was my bride tied up and gaged on the floor with tears streaming down her face. "GET THE CASTLE DOCTOR!" I yelled and shadow leaves while Blaze and I untie Knucklina.

Knucklina's POV

My heart was relieved seeing Mephiles burst through the door. Once my wrist were untied I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm here my love you're ok." He said petting my hair. Blaze goes to get a rag for my face because my makeup was ruined by the tears. "Thank Neptune.... I thought she was going to take you away..." I said. "Well she failed because she gave herself away before even making it to the end of the isle. I knew it wasn't you because the moment she started walking my heart knew something was wrong." He said and I felt happy. "YOU!" We looked up and saw Starene in full anger. "HOW DID YOU ESCAPE MY GUARDS?!" He demanded. "Because my prince I have my ways now you will marry me like we planned!" "We didn't plan anything! I told you and your parents that we aren't a match!!!" He said and I felt my blood boil. First this witch crashes my wedding but is now demanding my prince to still marry her after what she did. No! I'm not going to let that happen! I'm tired of being a damsel in distress! I stood up and storm up to her. "Listen here and listen good! I given up my voice, my tail, and my title as sea princess because I love Mephiles. I have had it with people like you trying to ruin my happiness for their own selfish reasons!!!! If he said to leave you leave!" I yelled and she glared at me. The next thing I know it we were in the hallway with her fingers in my hair pulling it. I managed to push her off and punch her in the stomach then under the chin. She was shocked but tried to back hand smack me yet i caught her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back. I felt my dress rip as I kicked her to the ground. She tried to swing her leg to trip me but I dodged it and pinned her to the floor. I punched her again and she managed to punch me knocking me off. She screamed seeing her knuckles bloody. "MY PERFECT HAND!!!" She yelled then lunged at me and I felt her nails scratched my arm cutting me and ripping my sleeve. Then I felt her hands on my throat but I kicked her off flinging her into a tray of wine. She screamed again seeing the red wine stains on her dress. Before she could come at me again the guards grabbed her and put shackles on her. "NO IM YOUR NEW QUEEN YOU LET ME GO!!!" She demanded as I stood up. "No she is you crazy nut!" They said as Mephiles ran up to me. "Are you ok?!" He asked then saw the beating I gave Starene. "Holy shit..." he said and waved for the gaurds to take her away. She was screaming to be released but was ignored. "Oh my Neptune Knucklina?! What happened?!" Blaze said running up with shadow and the castle doctor. "Easy I had enough of being in distress and handled Starene myself." I smiled. "Whoa..." shadow said. "Well you can't get married in your dress now... it's got blood on the sleeves..." Blaze said. "Then let's cut them off and use the other sleeve over the tear on the skirt." I said. "My dear at least let me heal—" "I just need sea water shadow could you get some please?" I asked and he nods. "Mephiles I'll see you down the isle in a minute" I smiled and he kisses me. "I can't wait" he said and leaves while Blaze and I head to a different room to redo my dress. Shadow came in and I put the sea water on my wounds healing the cuts and bruises. "Damn that's impressive" he said and leaves.

This time the wedding went exactly as planned and we finally said I do. I gave my father and siblings a hug telling them I love them. Mephiles and my father bowed to each other in respect before shaking hands. "Treat her well" he said. "I will my king" Mephiles replied. My father gave me once last kiss on the cheek before lowering the wave back in the sea. Mephiles and I later left for our honeymoon and well he had to explain how sex work as a mobian to me.....Yet once that was done it was a very pleasurable experience.
It's been a month since that day and Blaze and Shadow got married 2 weeks ago then we're crowned king and queen. Mephiles and I moved to a different castle that was closer to my home which made me very happy. Even more so since my child will grow up knowing both our worlds.

Yep I'm pregnant with our first child and we're looking forward becoming parents!

The end

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