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I took a gasp once I rose from the water and could suddenly breathe again. Blaze helped me to the shore where I last saw my prince and we hid behind some rocks. They breathe out of exhaustion while I laid up against the rock. When I looked down I saw two red things poking out of the water where I thought I would see my tail. I was shocked when I lifted one of them up and saw five little nubs. I got legs!!! I was so happy but I couldn't speak to sequel my excitement. "Well hello sweetie!" I looked up and see sonic flying down and he lands on my leg. "You look different today did you get some knew seashells?" He asked and I shook my head. "New hairstyle?" I shake my head again and bounce my leg to give him a hint as he kept guessing. "SHES GOT LEGS YOU DUMBASS!!!" Blaze shouted making him fluff up and jump a bit. "She traded her voice to the sea warlock and got legs" she huffed as I try to stand. "And she has to get the prince to kiss her if she wants to stay like this." Espio starts to explain while I struggle a bit trying to work my legs. "And she only has 5 days" he finished just as I fell back and splashed the three. "I mean look at her! On legs on fucking mobian legs!" Blaze said clearly furious with me. "We have to fix this I will go get the sea king right now so we can convince scourge to give voice back and so she could go home and....." He sees me looking down and hugging my legs as tears fall from my face. "And so she could be miserable and misunderstood for the rest of her life....." he sighs and Blaze sighs too. "Ok ok we will help you get kissed by your prince" they said and I hug Blaze then picked up Espio and kissed his cheek. "I become such a soft shell...." He said. "Well since that is settled let's start by having you dress like a mobian because they don't walk around naked" Sonic said and looks at some ripped up sails.
Meanwhile with Mephiles he walks down the beach looking at the water still wondering who the woman was. "Your highness what are you doing out here again?" "Tails go pester my brother since he is the one training to be king today." Mephiles said. "You been coming out here for days searching for a make believe woman. I mean who would be swimming around in an endless sea and during a storm?" "I'm telli— HEY!" He yelled when sonic yanked a broach from him. "GET BACK HERE WITH THAT!" He yelled and him and tails chased sonic to where I was. "He's coming sweetie" he said and drops the broach not to far from wear I sat then flew off while Blaze hide and espio tucks in a pocket of the homemade dress. Then I heard his voice and saw him. "I swear where—oh" he said when he saw me. "Sire i thi—" his fox friend saw me too. "Miss are you ok?" Mephiles asked and saw the broach in the sand. He picks it up and walks closer to me. I was extremely nervous and was playing with my wet messy hair. "Miss?" He said and I go to speak but remember I can't. "What is it?" He asked and I tap my throat. "Oh you can't speak?" He asked and I shook my head."What's your name?" He asked smiling. "Oh shit I'm sorry you showed me you can't spe—" I showed him my necklace with my name on it. "Knucklina?" He asked smiling kindly and I nodded feeling my heart racing. "Perhaps your highness she would like to be a guest in our castle." Tails suggests and Mephiles looks at me. "Would you like that?" He said and I nodded excitedly and slip off the rock I was on. "Whoa!" He said and catches me and I was still struggling to get the feeling in my legs. I looked into his eyes as he held me up. "Wow you must've been through something. Don't worry I'll help you" he said and helped me to his castle. I looked back seeing Blaze with a worry but happy face for me and Sonic giving me a feather thumbs up.

"A shipwreck oh my dear" said a rabbit as I felt warm water being poured over me. I watched a bubble float out of the small water pool and it pops in mid air. I picked up a few and blow them out of my hands smiling. I could never do this under the sea. "Alright let's get you dried off and into a nice dress for dinner my dear" she said and wraps a strange tiny blanket around me. I looked around the room I was given as she looked through the closet. She walks out with a light green dress and some strange things. I gasp a bit when she placed some kind of band around me and pushed up my breast before placing white cloth over my feet and legs to my hips. Then the two things on my feet. Once I stood I tried to walk but fell over. "Oh my!" She helps me up. It took a few tries but I finally got it. She helps me put on the dress and starts fixing my hair. "My you have such beautiful hair my dear." She smiled and I nod in thanks.

"I'm telling you Mephiles you need to stop looking for this dream girl and find yourself—" "I'm telling you she's real and I'm going to marry her when I find her." He said. "And you say I'm stubborn" a black and red hedgehog said. "Oh hush shadow you need to find a queen too" Mephiles growl at his older brother. Shadow shrugs and sits at the dinner table. Mephiles was about to join when he saw me. His eyes widen as I walked in. "Oh meph she's stunning" tails whisper. "Uh you look wonderful" he said and I blush. "Please have a seat" he said and I sat down across Shadow. "Well my my what do we have here" he smiled and Mephiles explains. "Welcome then" he said and I see him pull out a hobbletuner. "Oh you like this?" He said handing it to me. "Well I must say it is—" I cut him off and blow into it making black dust come out and covers his face. Mephiles, Tails, and Vanilla laugh as shadow cleans his face.

"Oh my I haven't laughed like that in months"

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